Apr 12, 2005 14:17
Thinkin about these past two months. All I can say is what I ride it was. I realized alot of things, that for some nknown reason some ppl have fetishes for Doors and keys and such. Really kinda funny.
The second is that sometimes one has to look at a much larger picture. In this case, I realized my actions, and I was more than willing to pay for them in spades. Today, I nearly passed out on the way home, I had to take my medicine before anything else. I looked at the bottle and I realized what I have put myself through. Needless to say it was felt on all sides. Problem is I only wanted myself to bear this cross alone.
Flynn, he isnt the bad guy. Flynn wasnt the one who talked to you those nights, asked those questions. He wasnt the one who kissed you, or did any of that. I was. I started it. And, instead of being cool with this I am not. Its because I cause direct harm to both you and him. Flynn is eating hismelf up when he doensnt have to. He really isnt the bad one.
Block me, take me off your contacts, bury me and the hatchet and all the things inbetween.. except for those furbies. damnit I really hate those blasted things.
Flynn, he shouldnt feel the way he does. Its me, its been me, so let it just be me. I can go back to an island, Flynn has come so far not to go back.
Do that, at least dont be unfriendly to him, dont try to avoid his presence, dont make his visits with his friends strained. You odnt have to be friends with him, just comfortable enough for him to still be him. Do that and You wont even hear so much as a line or a Rhyme from me. I swear.