killing time

Sep 26, 2007 16:33

alright, besides that post about naming ten songs that start with a certain letter, it's been over a month since I updated this shit, so what do I bitch about first?!?!

I'm feeling tired as hell, I'm probably breathing in too much of my neighbors myth, I decided that starting off 2008, I'm going to live back at dads house, I would just get another apartment, but with my luck, my stupid landlord's going to make up some bullshit to the other landlord so they wouldn't let me live there, like my old upstairs neighbor Larry, where all he did was put a crack in the wall, and put a little crack in the crapper, that dumbshit told the other landlord that Larry caused about a thoundsand dollars worth of damage, so I plan to move back to the house so I wouldn't giving this son of a bitch $339.00 a month

here's all or most of the bullshit I put up with since he became the landlord
-he's letting drug addicts in for free and attempted to raise my rent
-those drug addicts stole half of my clothes "all that was in the dryer"
-one of them spit a gumwad on my car
-my original doorlock got torn, and he complained about me getting a new doorlock "what does he think, that I'm going to leave my apartment room unsecured while I'm spending eight and a half hours at work on the weekdays on the other side of town"
-idiot's drive through with their music turned up loud
-and the last straw was this, my original landlord had this rule that I must pay my rent on the 5th of every month or I have to pay twenty bucks more, while this son of a bitch not giving a thirty day notice that he changed that rule to I have to pay by the first of every month or I have to pay fifty bucks, and he didn't have the balls to say that to the drug addicts

so I plan on moving out in three months, since I have more shit to bring back to the house than I left, I have three couch's and an exercise that I didn't have when I lived at the house, I going to have Rob and Tina help me with those, they owe me, and the way they're living, there's no way they're going to calf enough cash to pay me back, so this will be a part of their returning favor

I planned on telling the landlord to take the key and shove it up his ass, but I thought since I bought that lock, I'm taking it with me, so fuck him

now onto other shit
I gotten lazy again, and like I said above, I'm thinking it's from breathing in that myth, so I'm not back in wrestling training yet like I planned back in March, but I at least got my foot in the door of my six main shows "IWA's no longer one of my main shows"
-Brian Acker's Coliseum Championship Wrestling "head results writer, ringcrew, I still pay to get in"
-Walt/Solomon King's All American Wrestling Federation "ringcrew"
-Mike Williams' and Greg Carey's Insanity Pro Wrestling "ringcrew"
-Mitch Ryder's XCW Mid-West "ringcrew, I still pay to get in"
-Tom Van Zant's New Era Wrestling "ringcrew, results writer"
-Master Rich's New Focus Wrestling "ringcrew, I'm always on the guest list"

those are the main six shows I want to work for in Indiana

XCW Mid-West
-the traffic pissed me off on the way to the August, this month, I didn't have any problems getting there
>:o -the Armory's still hot inside, I stood outside during the last few match's, it was during the BJ Whitmer and Chase Stevens match when I started standing out there

-Josh Abercrombie's is scheduled to compete in this year's Super Jr. Heavyweight Tournament
-Hillbilly Jedd's no longer wrestling for IPW, he lost a three stages of Insanity Match against Osyrus with a stipulation that if he looses he must not wrestle in IPW again
-one of those match's were a fans bring weopens match, I took all the left over weopens and brought them to the Coliseum that Wednesday, except for the broken hockeystick, I'm going to get the both of them to sign it, then I'm going to hang it on my wall
-Indiana Kidd is now known as Joey "Kidd" Owens

-Bobby Black joined the Fourmation which was Hillbilly Jedd, Joey "Kidd" Owens, Troy Van Zant, and Shawn Cook "Shawn Cook's out of action due to a boating accident a few month's back"

-Memorial Show's tonight
-JC Bailey's scheduled to make his CCW return against Mad Man Pondo
-Ricochet's scheduled to make his return against Billy Hardaway, Ricochet along with Chuck Taylor left CCW with the Naptown Dragons after that shoot fight between Diehard and Brian Acker

now onto TV subjects

-so Theodore Long passes out, this is probably going to turn out like the Al Wilson and Dawn Marie wedding angle
-since the Godfather made an appearence, I want to trashtalk that gimmick realquick, it pisses me off that people are stupid enough to cheer for a pimp, now nothing else against Charles Wright "if that's his shoot name", I just hate pimps, they only make money by sending whores out to fuck for the money, now I liked the Goodfather gimmick, Right To Censor may have been hypocrites, but at least that's something that people with brains can look up to, if there's any WWE gimmick I would steal, it would be RTC, because fans hated RTC, I think about doing that gimmick someday just to piss the fans off

-Hornswoggle is Vince McMahon's son, that's who I was guessing because it had to be someone that Vince didn't want as a son, HHH was my second guess because he is a reallife McMahon family member, Mick Foley was my third guess because a little before the 1998 Survivor Series, Vince did name Foley an honorary son

- :-)- CM Punk's the champion

I'll try to have a nice day
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