This is my heart bleeding before you, this is me down on my knees

May 04, 2005 17:00

today was a relatively good day...spicey chicken wrap for lunch that was hot...KFC called today...i have orientation saturday from 9-4...i hope i get paid for that bc its a long ass time but idkk...just got back from driving with my dad..its so stressful for me bc he yells and i hate when pple yell so i scream back and its not kool and during a little yelling argument about my speed i kinda forgot that my foot was on the gas and he told me to stop so i uh...pushed wicked hard on the gas..haha lmao he didnt like taht "NEVER MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN KALEY ANN" haha yeahh kool...yeah ed was back in school today which was awesome bc i dont like school with out my lover muffin<3;)..ok so yeah back to this work thing....7 hrs w/ pple idk...its gonna be hard for me..but tyler has an interview today so maybe he'll be there? i hope yeah anyways i have this terrible fear of death and i was watching montel today obv...and i realized that its not actual death im afraid of..its what happens i really want to believe theres a heaven..bc well i do believe in God and heaven and hell and such but theres still the doubt like what if ya know? i just get so freakd out about it sometimes that i freeze and it paralyzes me n its all i can think about for a little until i calm myself i the only one like this? is that weird? what the fuck happens to u u like cease to exist and like are not fucking there and its all black and udk whats going on bc u dont exist? ok thats enought i have to hungry and now freaked out..sweeeeeeettttt
peace kids
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