Apr 13, 2007 11:34
ok im getting better
im no longer leading mike on
i think he gets the point i dont like him
even tho the other day our manager was like we need to call someone in
and mike was like " ill call alisha! she likes me and has a crush on me."
but he hung up on me the other day bc i told him i was hanging out w/ ben and brian.
so hopefully he gets the point
now i have this problem with my manager james
everyone thinks we like eachother
and we both didnt for ahwile
and now, i think hes starting to like me
he calls me on the phone all the time now
and gets mad when i talk about mike
and a whole bunch of other reasons
his friend asked me if i liked james.
that worries me
wow i sound like a bitch.
\who is liek really snobby or something
that or a freaking hoe
why cant a awesome guy like
one who is tall? that would be different
who doesnt do drugs, smoke, and just want to get in my pants.
and someone who isnt over 20.
no i have like 20 and 22 year old guys liking me.
what the hell is this crap.
good thing i reallly dont want a boyfriend
otherwise i would be screwed.
wow this entry totally sounds ridiculous.