I really can't wait to have my new computer. It's just perfect for everything I need. I just love movies. It seems like the next logical step is making them. TV J is easily the best part of my day, and thats what I do there. I don't know why I'm mentioning this, but I fel it neccesary, because eventually, I'll probably be in the same place here asking for people to help, so, you know, comment if you want to help.
Yes, I quit the cinemas. We'll leave it at that. But the cinemas is the past, its so far in the past its..... there. So my next question is whats next. Leave your ideas in a comment!
I had quite the excellent peanut butter/nutela sandwhich on toast today, it was delectable.
I should start readign again, I have like 4339852 I have I need to read.
Wow, this was all very random.
As a matter of fact, here arte the most random things I can think of right now -