Mar 22, 2004 21:34
The coolest thing I've read all week- Things That Really Suck, Part Two: (In no order)
1. People who feel the need to showcase their lack of intellect when leaving a movie theater. "That made no sense" - Atlanta brain trust upon leaving this past Saturday morning's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind showing. People, just because it differed from the storytelling acumen of Will & Grace doesn't mean it was an incomplete film.
2. Parking Lot Dwellers. What is the deal with this shit? Every Friday and Saturday night there are hundreds of kids whose idea of a good time is parking in a lot and acting tough and rebellious. Guys, that ain't rebellion. It's flocking like sheep, but with goatees and big pants.
3. Celebrities who say the same thing in every interview. The same stories. The same crappy "artistic" comments about their work.
4. The term "Gay" used to describe something a person doesn't like.
5. The media's efforts to force the "Sex Symbol" persona on people who don't fit the profile and probably don't want to.
6. Interviewers in magazines (men's magazines in particular) who try to flirt with the women they interview. Worse yet, those who punch up the articles after the fact to make it sound like they were.
7. The term "Whatever" in an argument. When someone just pusses out and tosses that useless and worthless word.
8. Parents who think that the fact that they're parents makes them instantly more important than those who aren't. As if anyone can't shoot their seed and hit an egg. It's all too easy, folks.
9. Restaurant managers who go only to the tables of people who look wealthy to see how their meal and service has been.
10. Boys who've discovered what a bicep is and wears a shirt a size too small and walks around like rigor mortis has set in to impress whomever.
11. Clothiers who have forced the early 80's back upon us.
12. People who don't leave the public toilet in the same condition they found it. I'm not talking about the people who walk into a shit infested stall and promptly leave but the people who arrived at a clean stall and proceed to shit the living shit out of it and then leave sans flush.
13. People whose family's food is ALWAYS better than what a restaurant has. Folks, sometimes a licensed chef can cook better than your grandmother with the flabby arms. Sorry. It's a fact.
14. Restaurants who post their hours of operation and glare at you when you want to buy something at 20 minutes before their closing time. Then there's those places that close an hour before that time and act like you're committing rape by showing up as they lock up.
15. Movie publicity companies that think you cannot survive as a website without sharing the press release for Ben Folds' new album. Ben folds, alright. Right into this weighted trunk I'm tossing into the Hudson River.
16. Ben Affleck's make-up person. There are limits to what passes as masculine, Chappie.
17. Shaven men. I don't mean the face. I mean the arms, legs, chest, and God fears what else. Unless you're an Olympic swimmer and the hair cuts a millisecond off your time, you look like my nightmares. Stop it.
18. The fact that there is never a time in the year that the sports reporting community focuses on baseball and baseball alone. It's the 7th game of the world series, but let's talk about whom might be becoming the new head coach of Auburn!
19. People in the press who tell a filmmaker that they liked their movie and then give it a bad review. PUSS. YOU.
20. People who forget why they fell in love with movies and just cart their sourpuss ass to the theater every week just to have more vitriol to spew.