Apr 02, 2005 07:56
Mmm, so another April Fool's Day has come and gone. The idea has never bode well with me, ever since I was a kid. The thought of other kids playing tricks and being condoned for them just didn't seem right. We're supposed to be morally upstanding characters, with good ethics and a sense of where we come from and where we're going. How does playing tricks on others fit in with all that?
Okay, so maybe it's more of an issue with a day of letting loose, and playing tricks when ordinarily you aren't supposed to. But eager pranksters would spend the whole year building up to April first, waiting, creating new tricks, developing them, just so that they can make that day more memorable than all the rest. Isn't that a little bit unhealthy? It seems like it to me. People always tell me that it's just a day of good fun, when a person can just goof off and not worry about getting in trouble for it, but I always seem to think that there is so much more to it. Like we are endorsing tricks and whatnot. As you can probably tell, I'm not a big fan of April Fool's Day.
The sudden influx of holidays in these past two centuries have my mind spinning. There is Ground Hog's Day, Take-Your-Children-To-Work Day, even a No Housework Day. What is going on? Holidays (even if school and work are still mandatory) are supposed to be for special occasions when we honor each other or someone who made a difference in history or an independence, isn't it? That's why we have Christmas, and Mother's Day, and Valentine's Day, and even for you Americans, Thanksgiving, right? Call me traditional or close-minded, but I'd rather have a few select holidays when I know that what I'm celebrating is genuine, and not just something made up so that some random day can be a holiday.
I'm being pessimisstic, I know. I'm usually an optimist, but when it comes to a holiday like this one, at the expense of other people (okay that's not entirely true but it could be. One of my friends broke a leg from an April Fool's joke), I can't help but wonder if it really is worth it. All in the name of good fun? Not to me, and not to the dozens of people who might get hurt. There are so many other ways to have fun, why can't we just resort to those instead?
My paid account and icons are running out in a few days. Soon I will be once again cast off to the street with three measly icons. Sob. The streets of Paris are not extremely friendly to those who have a limited number of icons, so will someone please save me? I beg of you, icon fairy, please give me my 50 icons back. I'm too attached! Haha.