In The End Part II

Aug 06, 2013 20:55

Title: In The End
Fandom: Transformers G1, BlackVeilBrides
Author: ledishae
Pairing/Charachters: Sunstreaker, Sideswipe,
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Song fic - 'In The End' by Black Veil Brides. Megatron has found a forgotten Cybertronian colony planet, one ruled by whoever survives the gladiatorial competition for the throne. Optimus must keep Megatron from ruling the gladiator planet, and sends his own gladiators into the fray.
Warnings: Descriptions of gore
Disclaimer: All Transformers characters belong to their respective owners. All lyrics by Black Veil Brides as performed in their song by the same title.

Shadow Scorch and Shatter Quake stood behind a blast door, waiting in the unbearable silence for the gate to lift and let them into the ring of combat. They had seen it, from the sky as they descended from their transport vessel to the ground. Their guide, a sneaky little bot named Breaker, had seemed excited, the little cyber-weasel had looked positively gleeful to see the massive coliseum below them, it was as big as a small moon.

Still, the pair waited, Shadow Scorch, matte black with crimson pin-striping and Shatter Quake gleaming white with pale blue pin-striping, they stood together like an inky shadow and a spear of light in the darkness of their tunnel. Suddenly, finally the gate opened with an agonizing lance of brilliant light that stung their optics and a nearly tangible wave of sound that deluged upon them making them tremble from its force.

"Party time," Shatter Scorch quipped softly to his brother, winning a perfectly curved, icy smirk from his white counterpart.

"Shall we?" As their optics cleared they moved forward, Shatter Quake in the lead as he stepped into the light, shining like a beacon as his pristine white plating glowed in the dazzling mix of artificial and natural sunlight. Behind him Shadow Scorch slipped into his shadow the matte black hue of his plating let him blend into the shadows, only to step out as if appearing like a hologram making the crowd scream's increase with their showmanship.

Then they took in the coluseum they stood in. Hundreds of doors led into the arena, each open to reveal their contributions to the massive fight. Each entry held anywhere from one to several dozen figures all willing to battle for the right to command Collositron. In the middle of the arena, rising from the very earth stood a contingent from the royal army.

Sounding over the screams of the crowd, a solemn voice began to intone, "Greetings travelers from distant worlds; from lands alien and strange, to those achingly familiar." Shadow and Shatter let their optics track their opponents as the announcer intoned and felt themselves agreeing with him. Some were taller than Skyfier, massive organics the color of stone. Others were strange hybrids of tissue and metal. Still more were the familiar cybertronians, and others of similar mechanoid kind.

"Our world of Collositron has but one rule: If you win it in battle, anything can be yours." This planet was strange. Despite being a Cybertronian colony, these mechs shunned any alt mode. They kept to their seemingly defenseless protoforms, and layered themselves with the plating stripped from the dead.

"You, gladiators from near and afar, have been welcomed to fight for our throne, our crown and our loyalty. Defeat Dread Wing and Mace Weld, and our armies are yours.

"And, yes, there is a catch." He spoke in his ringing tones, "To get to our leaders, you must defeat the best of our numbers, the Eclipse Guard!" The troops in the center raised their plasma swords, laser lances and massive glaives as they roared to the crowd, their frames rattling with their fury.

"This is a battle to the end, make allies, leave a wake of destruction and spilled fluids, just stay alive. Anything goes in this final arena! Let the battle begin!" the announcer screamed into the silence, a gong sounding that thrummed into the depth of each and every gladiator's spark.

Shatter Quake felt himself tremble, a terrible smile gracing his features making him seem like an avatar of Primus standing among the mortal rabble. Beside him Shadow Scorch appeared as a wraith of Unicron sent to reclaim the mortal sparks and souls alike.

The arena fell silent as they glowed in brilliant white and darkest black, their optics blue, and red blazed and all looked at them as they seemed to glow. Behind them massive wings spread like organic birds spreading wings of hope and despair across their section of the field.

Battle cries rent the air, silencing the still ringing gong, the gladiators charged in all directions. Shadow Scorch and Shatter Quake left their weapons sheathed, instead racing to their nearest opponents to rip still pulsing sparks and beating hearts from armored chests with fluids gushing in their wake. As they moved the illusion of wings faded into fluttering tatters of ether that vanished into the rising dust.

In the end as you fade into the night, Oh whoa oh oh.

Who will tell the story of your life?

Overhead music filled the arena, a pounding anthem that seemed to have been written for the battle below. Shatter Quake ignored the rising, thrumming percussion, instead focusing on his nearest opponents. An organic covered in thick bony armor charged him with a roar, but Shatter only advanced faster, thrusting his hand through the bony sheath of the alien's body and into the thick chest, ripping out the still beating heart. The pulsing mass was thrown to the ground as he moved on, one down hundreds to go.

Shadow Scorch turned from his opponent, letting the strange mechanoid fall in a shower of broken parts. He raced to Shatter's side, together facing a contingent of a dozen or more organics riddled with cybernetic implants.

In the end

As my soul's laid to rest

What is left of my body?

Or am I just a shell?

Together they plowed through the organics leaving a pile of quivering red flesh and grey jelly. They moved on, ignoring the ichor and blood coating their frames, or how their fingers dripped life fluids in a trail of gore along the ground as they moved. Screams rent the air under the pounding bass overhead. The thrumming of instruments a counterpoint to the clashing of bodies and blades.

Somewhere along the way a troupe of gladiators now followed Shatter and Scorch, backing them as they raced to a blood bath with Decepticons at their center. Unfamiliar triple changers rotated from beast form to jet and back to mechs as another constantly shifted from a tank to a jet to a beast and other forms beyond. There were dozens of them all bearing the purple haze, but neither Shadow nor Shatter broke their strides.

As they approached, glad war cries ripped from their throats and those following them echoed their fury. Finally, Shadow Scorch pulled his plasma blade, hewing one of the triple changers in two as several figures following him leapt on the other and Shatter Quake threw himself at the six-changer currently in the form of a massive battle cat.

"Ignore their optics! Go for the spark!" Shatter Quake bellowed, directing those fighting on their side for now on how to kill a 'Con. Lost in the battle Shatter focused only on the six-changer as he ripped plating from the mech and tore out transformation cogs.

And I have fought,

And with flesh and blood I commanded an army

Around him those who followed in his and Shadow's wake fell taking as many 'Cons with them. Surrounded by corpses Shatter Quake pinned the six-changer and tore off the other mech's helm with a resounding victory cry, leaving the graying corpse behind.

Through it all, I have given my home for a moment of glory! (I gave it all)

Shadow Scorch spared only a glance at the sea of corpses at their pedes and turned to the rest of the field. The once hundreds strong competition had dwindled to just a few dozen. He and Shatter raced from their sea of slaughter to the the next stand of conflict, attacking mechanoid and organic indiscriminately.

In the end

As you fade into the night, oh whoa oh oh

Who will tell the story of your life, oh whoa oh oh

Shadow Scorch heard it first over the screams of battle and the pulsing beat overhead, he turned just in time to be bowled over by massive horde of giant mechanical hounds. Overwhelmed and pinned he struggled to keep his vitals from their maws, he hissed and spat, shaking of one just enough to get a solid punch in. The beast fell, its helm dented in as hydraulic fluids spilled from its brain case. Yet others came each attempting to tear Shadow into shreds.

A yell sounded overhead, Shatter Quake's massive plasma blade tore through the hounds as if they were wisps of shadow. The beasts fell silent in mass and fell into sections, their fluids coating Shadow Scorch in dark, oily crimson and black. He stood, the ichor flowing from his frame in a deluge of gore.

Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid

I'm not afraid to die!

Shadow and Shatter looked from the waterfall of hydraulics pouring off of Shadow's frame then raised their helm to meet each other's optics.

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to die!

They smirked, knowing that they were once more in their element creating destruction and death to the thrum of a rock ballad and the screams of the crowd. They turned, finding the field dwindled to only a small handful of mechs and the Eclipse Guard engaged in combat with something they had hoped to never see here. Roaring and destroying the Eclipse Guard with impugn delight the beast felled any in his wake.

"Predaking," Shadow Scorch deadpanned as he looked at the great orange beast combiner before them.

"Let's show them how to kill a kitty." Shatter Quake smirked, his optics fierce with glee shining from his blood and spilled energon stained face.

Born a saint though with every sin

I still wanna be holy

I will live again

They raced to Predaking's position, and each leapt high into the air, plasma blades pulled, they arced to land on the beast just to have him leap away. They landed and spun racing to follow, their optics locked on the predator king as they searched for a weak spot.

They charged again, splitting up to pin Preadaking down, only he threw himself into the sky, wings pulling him to the other side of the fight. Shatter and Shadow turned as if to follow and watched as the combiner flung himself at the eclipse guard once more.

It was just what they needed and Shatter Quake threw several EMP grenades at the beast and raced to lie beneath the deactivated frames of the fallen before they went off. Behind him Shadow Scorch hid as well as the arena filled with light and explosions.

Who we are isn't how we live

We are more than our bodies

If I fall I will rise back up and relive my glory!

As the dust began to clear Shadow and Shatter stood from their cover, the arena ringing with the cries of the crowd. Facing them, slowly pulling themselves up to their pedes, the five mechs of the Predacon team stood.

Razorclaw snarled from his lion mode, leading his team who arrayed out behind him. Divebomb and Headstrong flanked him on his left. Rampage and Tantrum flanked him on the right. It was their most lethal attack, to circle their prey, and Shadow and Shatter knew it. Facing five beasts, the best trackers, and hunters in the Decepticon army, Shadow and Shatter knew they were going to die.

In the end

As you fade into the night, oh whoa oh oh

Who will tell the story of your life, oh whoa oh oh

Vorns of life lived and squandered flashed in behind the pair's optics reminding them of what they had left behind of their lives. It was very little, next to nothing worth being remembered for, but in this they would do something right for once.

Letting their fear wash through them and energize their sparks, the pair lifted their blades, screamed their fury and charged. Razorclaw sneered at their bravado, signaling his unit to attack. The five lunged at the suicidal pair, claws, fists, beaks and talons out and ready to kill.

And who will remember your last goodbye, oh whoa oh oh

Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid

I'm not afraid to die!

Shatter Quake plowed into Razorclaw, his blade slicing deep into the beast's shoulder before the lion could leap away leaving a long clawed score along Shatter's chest and a sparking trail of ruined plaiting behind.

Shadow Scorch faced Headstrong, dodging the massive horn on the beast's snout that could tear a mech in two and his wicked teeth. Pedes shaped like hooves rose as he reared bashing into Shadow's helm. He stumbled back, optics swimming from the impact. Sword up he readied for another attempt.

In the end

As you fade into the night, oh whoa oh oh

Who will tell the story of you life, oh whoa oh oh

The white and black mechs turned, hemmed in on all sides by the Predacons. Yellow optics blazing in gleeful hate the five prepared for the kill, knowing they had finally cowed their prey.

Shatter Quake tensed, waiting, He watched the three before him, back plates against Shadow Scorch's as they waited. Their sparks pulsed, waiting, patient, silent and deadly the pair held back from the slightest move. If anyone was going to make the first move, it would be Razorclaw.

And who will remember you last goodbye, oh whoa oh oh

Cause its the end and I'm not afraid

I'm not afraid to die!

Divebomb leapt into the air, the eagle-bot shrieking his glee as lethal talons reached for Shadow Scorch. It was the sign they were waiting for, Shatter Quake used the black shoulder behind him to launch himself into the air. Light blue optics slitted dangerously Shatter slashed his massive plasma blade, hewing the Predacon flier in half.

Bellows of agonized rage rent the air. Tantrum hurled himself, massive bull horns first, at the black bot before him, but Shadow only snarled as he met the bull's charge, his long sword arcing up from the ground to slit the beast's throat, leaving the bull to collapse onto the floor, his spinal array severed.

Razorclaw and Rampage leapt in attack, each of the feline-bots aiming for one of the bots between them. Massive claws unsheathed and gleaming in the lights overhead they readied to terminate the ones who had killed one of their own.

Shatter waited until the last moment, letting the felines get just close enough to taste the energon welling from the injuries Shadow and he hand taken before leaping from the ground in unison with Shadow, their swords held like lances before them as they met their opponents head on. The four crashed to the dry earth in a too silent heap.

Who will remember this last goodbye? (Oh whoa oh oh)

Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid

I'm not afraid to die.

Headstrong snorted anxiously as the anthem overhead began to wind down, he sifted nervously then saw the movement. It was not his comrades, although the agony in his chest and growing mindless fury told him the truth already. The white and black mechs had killed his team. Now they would die.

Shadow Scorch stood first, fresh energon pouring from his chest and neck plating where Razorclaw had gotten lucky. Shatter Quake rose swiftly, one optic fritzing, his right hand little more than a sparking ruin. There was only one left, but neither of the pair could underestimate Headstrong. The last beast-bot charged, the lone curved horn on his muzzle gleaming wetly of previously spilled energon.

Shatter ran to meet the charging beast head on, throwing himself into the attack and gasped, as the long horn suddenly pierced his chest. He gulped, invents struggling against the invading protrusion. Behind him Shadow Scorch screamed. Then, suddenly the horn was gone, and Shatter Quake looked down at the massive hole in his chest that sparked and gushed fluids of too many colors.

Not afraid

I'm not afraid to die

Not afraid

I'm not afraid to die!

Icy blue-white optics met blazing red, Shatter Quake and Shadow Scorch looked at each other then around the silent field. This had not been a battle, but a massacre. They were the only ones left standing. A brief moment of silence assaulted their audios as the music ended and the crowd stood in dumb astonishment. Then, the cacophony rose as the stadium reverberated with their cheering.

"We - we have our champions!" The dry voiced announcer gasped, from the depths of the arena a new opponent rose. The crowd fell silent as a strange mech of blue and red rose from the darkness of the lower tunnels standing beside, yet towering over, the rulers of Colossitron.

"Stand down," the mech spoke, his voice filling the stadium with ease and like the voice of Primus, commanded the lone fighters to lower their weapons. The pair complied instantly, their begrimed frames falling to one knee as they knelt before Dread Wing and Mace Weld.

"Colossitron!" Dread Wing held his halberd high, causing his subjects to roar. "Long ago, in ages past out ancestors fled a loosing battle, to live here, on Colossitron. The ones they left behind never stopped their battles, waging like the wars of our forefathers, these battles have made them into walking arsenals. And, they," He pointed to the black and white mechs kneeling at his pedes, "Are two of them."

The crowd booed and jeered their victors, voices raised and filled with venom.

"And," Dread Wing continued once the crowed had spewed its venom laced calls, "We must thank them." Silence filled the arena, and the towering newcomer stepped forward.

"I am Optimus Prime." His words rang, and throughout the crowd all fell to their knees in reverence. Despite the eons lived on their new planet the descendents of Cybertron still remembered the awe of the Primes.

"Colossitron!" Mace Weld stepped forward, her same named weapon raised to the skies, "The frames of gray, not of our world, all came from Cybertron. The warmonger Megatron sent his minions to our arena to slaughter the best of our world, and use the rest as bait." Hisses filled the air as all from the raised seats rained their ire on the deceased lying in their growing pools of spent energon.

"These two, at this Prime's command came to save us. Welcome our saviors from slavery, welcome Shadow Scorch and Shatter Quake!" Her raised voice led all of Colossitron in a welcoming roar.

"Come on you two," Prime spoke softly as the crowd settled, "Unicron's End is getting impatient." Optimus smirked at the name. Standing tall, yet only to Prime's waist, the pair strode in his wake from the arena.

"Does this mean we get to go home now?" Shadow Scorch asked tiredly.

"What the pit-slagged hell were you two idiots thinking!" Quake and Scorch yelped as a heavy fist slammed into their helms.

"I'm fine," Quake muttered darkly as he rubbed the newest dent.

"I'll be the judge of that you glitch," End snarled, hooking his clawed fingers into the edges of Quake's armor and pinning him for a better look at the many sluggishly leaking laser wounds.

"Jeeze, Unmaker's End, its not like we planned to get riddled." Scorch whined.

The matte black and death gray medic Unmaker's End scowled at the taller gladiator "Yes you glitched idiots we get to go home. If either one of you ever come to me in this condition again I will reformat you into practice drones." the mech threatened the taller warriors fearlessly and all within the stands found their vents stilled in nervous anticipation.

"But, I'll let it slide this time." The mech stepped into Shatter Quake's small sphere of space that no one had been able to enter during the battle, soft gasps filled the arena, and then a sigh as the mech began to gruffly whipe down the worst of the gore.

"Thanks, Unmaker's End." Shadow Scorch spoke with a grin. Unmaker's End tugged the pair towards the shelter of the tunnels, leaving the Colossitron leaders with Optimus.

The rest was a blur, the pair followed Unmaker's End until they reached the shuttle they had arrived in. Waiting for them stood the small mech, Breaker. "You look like slag lads." Breaker grinned and slid a retractable visor over his optics. Once it clicked into place the drab armor shifted color back to familiar black and white.

"Thanks Jazz, its much appreciated that you find our agony amusing." Shadow Scorch whined. Beside him, in the span of a few spark pulses the white Shatter Quake vanished, revealing Sunstreaker, beaten and damaged, but home. Beside him, Shadow Scorch's black plating brightened to brilliant red, the dangerous red optics fading to weary and spark sick blue.

"Welcome home lads." Ratchet clapped each one on the shoulder as he forced them passed Jazz and into the shuttle. Orns later, when the repairs had been finished and their shuttle was docked with the Ark high over Cybertron, the twins had finished the worst of their repairs, but Sunstreaker still needed more work.

Regardless of Sideswipe's near completed repairs Ratchet kept them in med bay until once more they became the terrors Ratchet knew, sometimes loathed and occasionally loved. Only then, several orns after docking did he finally released them.

"I don't want to go in there," Sunstreaker murmured, he looked to his hands, remembering every instant of the massacre guised as a gladiator match on Colossitron and knew that he could never look Bluestreak in the optics again. It was hard enough to talk to Prime, to see those ancient optics look on him with sorrow and regret.

"Bro, come on! We've been stuck in med bay for too long, live a little!" Sideswipe whined, Sunstreaker wanted to give into his brother's instigating, but this time he just couldn't.

"How many?" Sunny asked bleakly, "How many came to see you?"

Sideswipe sighed, "Only Bee, Blue and a few others. Sunny, come on!"

"No one." Sunstreaker spoke softly, ignoring the rec rooms doors swishing open before his brother. "No one came, Sides. I can't count Ratchet, he had to be there. Everyone knows I'm worse than a Con. Out there, I proved it."

"Sunny?" Sideswipe finally looked at his brother, worry filling his optics as he suddenly realized the he had been hearing a grating noise this whole time. "What are you doing?!"

Sunstreaker snorted humorously, "Prime needs Autobots. Not a monster." He looked to his fingers tipped with deadly claws and the red hued metal shavings caked under them. "You're better off without me." The images had never left him, Sunstreaker had relived every instant of that slaughter fest in his processors time and time again. The only thing he could see clearly anymore was his own reflection as they left the arena.

The white of his plating had vanished underneath the dried blood, energon and other fluids stainging him. Hes lips were tainted with blood, denta coated that brilliant red of organic life fluid. Somewhere along the way, he had bitten an organic. He had no memory of doing so.

Sunstreaker turned from his brother, the Autobot insignia brutally scratched from his chest. "I'm not afraid to die, bro. I'm afraid to facethem. Ratchet said we're a team, that we're supposed to look out for each other -"

"You do!" Sideswipe grabbed Sunstreaker's arm, keeping him from scraping away anymore of the red Autobot insignia on his chest plate. "Sunny, you've saved most mechs in there."

"That's my point!" Sunstreaker snarled, turning on his brother with jaded optics. "I kill for them. I murder, dismember, plant bombs and terrorize 'Cons for them. But if I come back and say that I took a missile in the chest for Cliffjumper, or watched Bluestreak's back when no one else could, they refuse to believe me. I don't say what I've done. No one thanks me when I do something right. I don't care, that's fine. But they hate me, and if I stay around, they'll hate you too. They didn't know we were related before, now they do. Its better if you go on alone. I'll watch your back out there."

Sunstreaker once more turned away, helm held high despite the growing despair in his spark. How many battles had he fought and, like now, was afraid to show his face to his own teammates? If he terminated right here they would dance on his grayed frame.

"Then try talking to them!" Sideswipe raged, "You swagger, sneer, and make an ass of yourself at every turn. Then you bitch when no one wants to be around you. Don't pawn off your issues on them, bro. You're not the only mech who carries his own nightmares."

"You're back!" Bluestreak's voice cut through their argument, bringing the brothers to a stand still as the younger gunner threw himself at the pair, hugging both tight. "I was so afraid you wouldn't come back." Bluestreak whispered into Sunstreaker's chest, holding the yellow frontliner just a little closer.

"Blue?" Sunstreaker asked bewilderedly, he looked from the helm pressed against his chest to his brother, and stiffened as he met Cliffjumper's optics as the minibot stepped from the rec room. Unconsciously, Sunstreaker wrapped an arm protectively around Blue, sheltering the youngster from Cliffjumper's barbed words when they came.

"Don't go," Bluestreak looked up at Sunstreaker. "I still remember Althihex. I don't want to remember you too."

Sunstreaker vented a sigh, knowing he would give into those light blue optics that were still so innocent despite the death the gunner had dealt and the horrors he had survived. "That's not up to me."

"Then who!" Bluestreak demanded in unison with Sideswipe. "Only Prime can force you to go anywhere."

"Him, for starters," Sunstreaker nodded his helm towards Cliffjumper and the other minibots standing with him. "They now know Sides' is my brother. And you've just shown them that you like me. They can make your lives miserable. Before they do, its better if I'm gone."

Behind them the minibots looked at each other incredulously, Sunstreaker had instigated their first fight to begin with. What was the golden aft grinding his vocals about now?

"Bro, they're Autobots." Sideswipe spoke in horror, "They're not Blitzkreig. He's dead, you killed him in Tarn." Sunstreaker only looked at the minibots, optics hard and untrusting.

"Blitz didn't work alone. There were six minibots with him, I only killed one, Sides, not all. They could be part of his unit." Sunstreaker replied flatly as he nodded at Cliffjumper and Gears.

"Whoa, wait," Sideswipe pinched his nasal ridge, "You've been an aft to Autobot minibots because you didn't kill the few who joined Megatron?"

"I had to find them." Sunstreaker replied, fear twisted his faceplates, making him seem a stranger to those in the hall. "After what they did to you." He looked at Sides with despair coloring his optics.

"Bro, Blitz only ripped a few circuits loos, I've had worse. He tortured you, and nearly killed you."

"And promised worse if he or the others ever got their servos on you." Sunstreaker looked to Sideswipe, unconsciously sheltering Bluestreak still from the silent minibots.

"What the slag are you idiots standing around out here for?" Ratchet demanded as he approached from the med bay. "Jazz promised me high grade after that slag Prime put me through on that planet."

Gears glanced to Brawn uncomfortably. "Did you see that?"

Brawn nodded mutely, "Ratchet's on the warpath and Sunstreaker calms down."

"He's afraid of us." Bumblebee filled in, "A minibot ripped out Sunstreaker's internals piece by piece, and made him drink his own processed energon." Bee looked at his friends with too calm optics, "I'd be afraid of us too."

"Get in there!" Ratchet barked, ushering the assembled group into the rec room and the pounding music within.

"Hey Jazz!" Sideswipe hollered across the common room as the saboteur entered with his usual swagger. Overhead a rock anthem played and hearing it, Jazz could only grin.

"My mech, this brings back memories," Jazz chuckled.

"I didn't know you were posing as an artist." Sunstreaker spoke lowly, making Jazz cackle all the more.

"Mech, that ain't me. These humans have a gift, anything any other planet can think of, they can pick it up in their heads. No one knows I sang that on Colossitron as Breaker."

Sunstreaker leaned back and smiled, Colossitron had been so long ago. Vorns before they had left for the stars to lead Megatron from Cybertron. Long before they crashed here, on Earth. Those of Colossitron had used the dying trans-warp bridge system to hide from the Decepticons, but at least the non-transforming mechs there had been sheltered from Megatron's plot. Back then Jazz had poised as the mech Breaker and had sung an anthem overhead, making the spectators remember the black and white gladiators and the rock anthem that defined their fight.

"Yours was different," Sideswipe remembered, recalling how Jazz's version had been filled with electric tones geared to sway the crowd in their favor.

"Twins!" Ratchet snarled as he barreled into the common room, stained neon green and caustic red he glared at the pair who grinned unrepentantly.

"Yes, Unmakers' End?" Sideswipe asked winningly, making Ratchet still.

The enraged medic cocked his head, listening intently and, despite the heavy paint coating his frame, Ratchet laughed. "Guess you found the human younglings' music."

He turned on the twins once more, "You two, with me. You made this slagging mess you get to clean it."

Helms bowed Sunstreaker and Sideswipe followed with a sigh, "Yes Ratchet."

Once back in med bay Ratchet hauled the pair to the wash racks, yelling at First Aid and Huffer to watch the bay as he palmed the racks open. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe struggled all the way, cursing and snarling as Ratchet pulled them into the racks until the doors shut firmly behind them.

"The next time you two want to frag me senseless, just tell me." Ratchet huffed with a smirk, pulling Sideswipe in for a deep kiss.

"What's the fun in that?" Sunstreaker asked dryly as he scrubbed the medic clean, what was the fun in having Ratchet all to themselves if he never got to get dirty in the process?

Part 1

character: sideswipe, character: sunstreaker, rating: pg-13, fanfiction, warning: gore

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