Death of A Mortal

May 23, 2013 19:51

Title: Death of a Mortal
Fandom: Brave Police J-Deckerd
Author: LediShae
Pairing/Characters: Yuuta, Deckerd
Rating: PG13
Word Count:
Summary:When facing a robot that can be repaired it is easy to forget just how fragile humans are. Yuuta, now a cop and all grown up, must ask a hard question of himself: What happens to Deckerd and the others when he dies?
Disclaimer: I own nothing, all rights belong to the original creators, distributors and assorted owners of this series.

Chapter 1 - Watashi

fandom: brave police, fic: death of a mortal, character: yuuta, rating: pg-13, character: deckerd

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