Wings of Love Chapter 3

Jun 04, 2012 19:51

Title: Wings of Love

Fandom: Transformers AU

Author: ledishae anddeathmustangg

Pairing/Characters: Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Ratchet, First Aid, Tracks

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Harpies, creatures with angelic faces and the bodies and talons of the fiercest hunting avians, had long been rivals of the gryphons, the eagle/lion beasts of legendary might. Yet, being inthe wrong place at just the right time brings three would be enemies together against a common foe.

Warnings: Mature situations, mentions of quasi non-con.

Word Count: 3778

Disclaimer: All Transformer characters belong to their respective owners, I'm just having a little fun.

The night whipped by in a dark, shapeless blur as Ratchet pushed himself through the cool air. His wings trembled tiredly as he dipped once, then twice; his frame shuddering and still woozy from the drugs and an empty tank. His optics wept with exhaustion and he could only find the first tall tree large enough to support his frame. He landed heavily, collapsing into a shuddering heap of misery as he prayed for First Aid to be safe as blissful recharge reclaimed him to the depths of oblivion.

Ratchet didn't know if he was awake or asleep. His frame floated in the gently muddled void he found himself in. Before him, rising like the trunk of a great tree, a spire of gold reached from the dark earth to the gently brightening heavens above. It was gold, shimmering soft hued gold. It was pretty. He could only wonder at the radiant image when the golden spire shifted. The long, magnificently carved visage lifted, pivoting about some point out of Ratchet's sight and displayed long golden fingers tapered to wicked ebony talons.

Suddenly awake Ratchet looked up past the unseen pivot point of the claw, past the three lined graze marring the smooth golden plating, further past the thick feathers of a regal neck ruff, and straight into massive optics the silvery-hued shade of freshly spilled mech-blood. Massive optics that held dark, fury froze Ratchet to his core, keeping him perfectly still on the thick branch.

At that moment Ratchet knew he was awake, and wished this was just a nightmare. It was the gryphon - a movement on his left made his optics break from the mesmerizing onyx pools ringed with iridescent silver and found eerily similar optics, only these held lust. It was the gryphons from the night before.

Ratchet's wings screamed from the intensity of his flight, he had no memory of launching himself from the great tree or taking to the skies. He could only fly deeper into the forest seeking the towering giants that he could lose his pursuers in. His achingly empty tank groaned in desperation, wings shivered weakly as he flew and he knew he had would have to land soon or face falling to his death.

Despite his lighter mass Ratchet found himself surrounded by the gryphons, their frames spiraling about his in a corkscrew of death. They spiraled closer as he streaked towards the forest, on the ground far below a flicker of white and red caught his optic, reminding him of his youngling lost and on his own. Suddenly furious Ratchet turned on the closest gryphon, talons raking across the red form as he streaked past. A shriek of pain filled the skies, igniting Ratchet's lines with rage.

He banked sharply, folding his wings and plummeting towards the yellow gryphon barely missing the wounded shoulder as he passed. Suddenly he plummeted, wings failing him. Struggling he pumped his wings desperately seeking altitude from the unforgiving forest rising much too swiftly to meet him. Wings spread desperately he finally caught a thermal, rising once more to face his pursuers.

Sunstreaker watched the form plummeting towards the earth in horrified fascination. The harpy fascinated him, switching from frozen in terror to hurtling through the skies. He was delicate and vulnerable yet powerful in the skies, a magnificent dancer as he flitted with the winds. Beside him Sideswipe tensed readying to chase the falling harpy and keep him from certain death.

Before action could follow thought the shimmering white form rocketed upwards, streaking towards them with indigo optics blazing fury. He rose swiftly, gaining altitude until he reached their position. In unison Sideswipe and Sunstreaker peeled away, paralleling the harpy's flight line. They spiraled as one, talons nearly touching, all optics tracking each other. Finally Sunstreaker could see the harpy in detail, his tail tingling as he took in the white vision before them.

The harpy was slim, delicate looking. His opalescent white plating contrasted sharply with his hibiscus red primaries and under tail feathers. The brilliant red plumage just above the equally red aft made him all the more delectable. Dark stormy grey crest feathers upon his brow made his already dark optics seem endless in the brilliant sunlight. Yet more than any feature the faint car tracing along his abdominal plating told of an infant harpy born from this mech. The harpy's many contrasting features were taken in as they danced upon the winds, the white flier matching their moves perfectly in a precisely choreographed mating flight.

::He's starving,:: Sideswipe's observation resounded through Sunstreaker's spark. His brother was right, the mech's plating was dull, optics were too bright while he increasingly fought to keep in the air.

::Then we need to take good care of him. :: Sunstreaker replied to his twin, while his processors scrambled to understand how all of Ironhide's drills and training could have left them so unprepared for this one single harpy. Their fighter instructor had taught them everything they knew, had raised them when their own creators had disowned them. Ironhide had been their creator and teacher in one, and the mech knew everything. Until now.

The fog of Ratchet's fury slowly faded, the gryphons no longer threatened him with their posturing. He focused once more on his flight, suddenly recognizing the patterns they were forming. This was a mating flight. He cursed silently, remembering his heat and knowing that he was too deep into the symptoms for his draught to make any difference.

Frustrated and tired beyond exhaustion Ratchet made a last ditch effort to lose his pursuers. He folded his wings at the lowest point of his spiral plummeting towards the forest and a small gap in the canopy he hoped the gryphons could not follow through. The dark rainbow hue of the forest filled his vision as the screams of smaller creatures assaulted his audios as they fled his approach.

Within his chest his spark constricted, the forest that had seemed so close was further than he thought. These trees were not of his home forest. Somehow the hunters had pulled him further south where the trees grew to massive sizes, their fan-shaped leaves larger than his wing span. The gap that had seemed so small was large enough for Tracks' entire harem and all of his brood to fly through abreast and never touch each other or the trees.

Despite the unhappy discovery Ratchet barreled through the open void leveling out barely above the rocky ground. Before him, his final chance at escape showed in a patch of brilliant sunlight. Vines spread across the spaces between the trees forming thick, woven webbing blocking larger fliers. He grinned savagely speed increasing as he approached the vines. A space caught his optic, just large enough for him to barrel through. Hopefully it would be enough to free him from the gryphons and let him find First Aid once more.

Sideswipe outpaced Sunstreaker, using the forest's breeze to propel him faster after the receding harpy that emanated such a delectable scent. The white wings that had shown such exhaustion suddenly pumped with renewed vigor drawing him closer to the looming vines just ahead. Sideswipe spotted the gap just as the harpy did and forced his wings to move faster. He had to stop the harpy from getting away.

He counted the distance to the vines as it diminished. The harpy would be lost to them in mere wing beats; eight, seven, six. Sideswipe balled his talons into a tight fist knocking the harpy off course and into the vines too soon. Instead of slipping through the pattern the blackish-purple vines had woven between the trees the harpy spun wildly, impacting the cables at an angle and sliding down becoming entangled in the naturally sticky ropes until completely restrained just above ground level.

Sideswipe sighed, grateful to finally be able to land. His frame ached from the long flight chasing off the hunters then following the harpy until dawn. They had only landed a moment when the shimmering white vision had taken to the skies leading them on their chase until now. He glanced up at the sky as his brother landed beside him spotting the sun just past its zenith. They had been in the air since just past nightfall.

The harpy would be a pleasant reward for all their efforts. His beak gapped as he panted, in intakes sucking in air greedily as he grinned. :: And here I thought all of Arcee's lectures on the values of mating flights was viral coding ::

::It was, she never won a harpy:: Sunstreaker replied haughtily, interface panel already dripping with his desire.

Ratchet shrieked his rage as he weakly thrashed in the constricting vines that had sealed his fate. His dual toned cry resounded through the forest and silence descended as the lesser creatures of the land hid from the greater hunters.

The gryphons landed before him, great wings kicking up dust and twigs, pelting him with debris. Ratchet wanted to fight them off, wanted to rage at them until they cowed and backed away from him, but he was too tired. He kept his head up, challenging them with optics that had stated to grow dark from lack of energy. They might take his frame, but they would never get his spark.

The gryphons advanced in unison, tails lashing out of sync with each other yet both now held deep lust in their optics. Ratchet shuddered, his frame still compelled by the heat cycle to lean towards them. His taloned pedes shifted within the vines' embrace, his legs spreading against his will to let the warm loamy breeze draw his heat sent to the encroaching gryphons.

The air felt cool to his overheated plating, gently toying with his interface plating, making him writhe within his bonds even as his spark and mind screamed for this to not happen. His distress only made his plating hotter, his scent stronger and the gryphons looming over him could only lean press their naires against his abdominal and thigh plating. They were intoxicated on his scent; dark optic cores dilated until only black stared from their faces.

Ratchet pulled against his bindings, his frame desperate for more contact. Inside he grieved for what he knew was coming, wishing for once that his carrier would came to save him and knew with devastating certainty that, like his first time, rescue would never come.

The gryphon's own musk rose in the humid air, overpowering his senses as his processors became fuzzy. His resolve to never give into them weakened as his helm grew heavy. All he could do was bow his head and lock his jaw against the keening of his spark.

Sunstreaker looked up from the thigh plating he had buried his face in. The harpy's scent was delectable in this forest heat. The humid air seemed to only heighten his sweet aroma ensnaring Sideswipe and him beyond any hope of turning from the gloriously proud vision bound before them. Dark indigo optics unsteady from hunger bore into his, seeming to look straight into his spark. Sunstreaker wanted this creature, wanted to see the pale grey plating of his face light up with joy.

Beside him Sideswipe buffeted him with a heavy wing, forcing Sunstreaker to step aside as the red gryphon gently reached up to the harpy's entangled frame, deftly slicing through the bonds. "Hush, hush." Sideswipe crooned to the shivering creature. Frowning as he finally noticed the slimy blue collar on the harpy's neck forcing him to remain in his winged mode.

"Sunny, he's got an inhibitor." Sideswipe looked to his brother, grateful when the other gryphon shifted form to gently gather the drained harpy in his arms.

"He's too light." Sunstreaker growled worriedly, hoping their perfect match was not to be found only to terminate in their arms.

"He's right here." The harpy spoke, his voice rough and jaded and raspy with hunger yet hinted with the unique two toned quality only harpies could boast.

Despite the impertinent tone Sunstreaker could only smile down on the harpy as his brother removed the collar. The once white and red plumage shrunk down to reveal a pearlescent white mech with red hands and hips, the combination was optic catching on the slimly built mech.

"So you are." Sunstreaker purred, tilting the mech's face up for a lingering chaste kiss. Sunstreaker grinned into the kiss, the harpy had other ideas entirely.

Ratchet felt a spike of terror stab through his spark as the gryphon kissed him, the warm plating signaling his heat symptoms to take over. As suddenly as the fear had stabbed through his spark it faded, leaving only the mind numbing, burning lust that defined his existence during his heat. Untinkingly he grabbed Sunny's shoulders, lifting himself to the golden mech's face as he continued the kiss, delving deeply into the tantalizing mouth of the gryphon mech. His frame was on fire, liquid desire burning through every circuit making him a creature of need and desire. His legs wrapped firmly around golden hips his legs twining about his partners, sending Sunny to his knees.

They knelt together, hands mapping each other, learning in an all too swift crash course how to ignite each others' circuits. Strong hands traveled down Ratchet's chest, lightly tracing his spark scar from bearing Aid. It sent a burning passion into his interface panel he had never known could exist. Quivering with anticipation Ratchet could only grind himself against Sunstreaker, writhing as the golden mech's leaking transfluid smeared against Ratchet's panel making their grinding foreplay slick and sensual.

A movement caught Ratchet's attention, his frame moved wantonly against Sunny while the red gryphon approached, flask of shimmering amethyst energon held tightly in one hand as he savored the display before him. Leaning back Ratchet reached out to the red mech, scenting the other gryphon's desires as strongly as he could Sunny's and his own.

"Sides," Sunny gasped, fingers stimulating Ratchet's interface panel, "Hurry, I want him."

"Soon, dear brother, he's depleted, remember?" Sides held up the flask, tilting Ratchet's head back gently, feeding the white form prepared energon rich in additives to give him strength and endurance. The smile on Sides' face spoke volumes to Ratchet's hazy gaze that he was going to need every drop.

Ratchet's panel slid open under Sunny's questing hand as he drank from Sides' offering his optics never leaving the red gryphons as he drank deeply, frame stabilizing as the fresh energy hit his lines.

"What is that?" Ratchet panted, the last drop lingering on his lip like a glittering gem in the brilliant sunlight was lapped up greedily as Sideswipe leaned in for his own searing kiss. Trapped between the two Ratchet keened and writhed, optics gently weeping as they continued their ministrations.

Sideswipe tossed the flask away uncaring of where it landed as he crept behind the harpy mech with the bearing scar. The creature was a puzzle, one he desperately wanted to figure out, but for now savoring the mech would be enough. He kissed down along the harpy's neck and shoulder, tracing faint transformation seams and the perfectly curved plating from waist to flared hips, along the red curved aft and long, lean white thighs that wrapped so perfectly around Sunny's waist.

Reaching forward Sides pushed against Sunstreaker's shoulder, forcing his twin to take more of the harpy's light mass onto his frame as two of Sideswipe's fingers slid into the harpy's dripping valve. His digits joined Sunny's their fingers scissoring and stretching to prepare the harpy for the both of them.

:: He has to be close enough,:: Sunstreaker groaned across their bond, frame shuddering with his repressed need. At Sideswipe's jerky nod, his own arousal making him edgy to claim the harpy before a predator of the forest decided their delectable lover would make a nice snack - or a mate of its own.

The thought of losing the harpy to a random passing predator forced Sunstreaker and Sideswipe to pull their drenched fingers from Ratchet's valve leaving only enough time for them to press the stiff, weeping heads of their spikes against Ratchet's emptily clutching entrance. As one they pressed forward, Sunstreaker sealing Ratchet's keening cries with a messy kiss their glossas battling for dominance that swallowed the ringing cries. Sideswipe could only revel in the feel of the harpy, the slick channel swallowing them greedily while spiraling down almost painfully to constrict his and Sunstreaker's movements.

They were controlled by the mercy of this beautiful harpy, and for once neither felt constrained by the whims of a lover. This was perfect. Finally fully hilted within their lover they stilled their movements showering the frame between them with gentle caresses and passionate kisses until the white frame undulated around their embedded spikes, stirring a lust within them so base and primal they could only pull out of his valve and slam back in with brutal intensity.

The forest resounded with clanging metal on metal, their spikes pistoned within the harpy between them. The harpy's resounding cries now muted to deep, throbbing incoherent moans that vibrated through their spikes and sparks stimulating them past all sanity. There was only motion as the thrust repeatedly into the willing frame clutching so eagerly to them.

It was ecstasy as the silken valve around them drew them in further, clenched their straining spikes more desperately. All the while the deep moans pulsating through them made them dizzy as if drowning in sound and stimulation. Sideswipe wanted this to go on forever, repeat this brutal rhythm until the harpy gasped for them to never stop.

Finally the harpy's valve spiraled down on them, squeezing them with brutal intensity as fluids flooded his valve. As overload consumed the harpy the slick fluids further saturating the soaked channel made everything deliciously slick and so impossibly tight that movement was impossible. Still, they rocked within the harpy's clenching valve until their own overloads consumed them into momentary blackness.

Ratchet stirred sluggishly as he came down from his overload. The gryphons beside him groaned as the separated from him. "Whoa," He breathed, surprised that he had little strength left and slowly on-lined his optics, taking in the sprawl him and his lovers made. He was pinioned, gently with utmost tenderness by the two mechs around him. Sunny panted, flat on his back, optics dark but grinning stupidly at the slowly darkening skies while Sideswipe, draped over Ratchet's back plating, continually nuzzled at the harpy's back laving gentle kisses and murmured nothings upon sensitive plating. Ratchet was somewhat grateful for the weight that squished him ever so slightly. He felt grounded here, between two lovers he knew nothing of.

"We don't know your name," Sides finally spoke, breaking the fragile silence like a death cry in a calm night as he gently pulled out of Ratchet's valve and rolled beside Sunny.

"I'm Ratchet." He ground out silently torn between cursing himself for allowing this to happen, finding the hunters and making them pay for causing this in the first place, or just thanking Primus that now, at least his heat symptoms would fade.

"Ratchet, nice, I like it." Sides grinned dopily, optics darkening with recharge.

Ratchet smiled wistfully, "Why couldn't you two have found me eight years ago?" He shook his head in the silence then headed to the nearby river. He had to find Aid, but not smelling like this. After being lost and alone for days on end the last thing Aid needed was to think that Ratchet had abandoned him to have some fun.

He washed swiftly, setting a fishing snare to capture fish for the gryphons. It took all of a moment before he returned to the clearing and his still sprawled, completely exposed, lovers. They were handsome mechs, it was almost unsettling to leave them. Ratchet shook his head, optics landing on Sunstreaker's shoulder the graze from - the night before? Two nights ago? - Ratchet lost count of time and felt a thrum of fear for Aid run through his lines. Still that scrape was darkening with rust, if he left it alone Sunny would grounded, the shoulder too damaged to fly.

He cleaned and dressed the wound, applying a poultice of acidic berry juices and ground metallic compounds from the forest to dissolve the rust and allow his natural self-repair to take over. As long as the gryphon didn't do anything stupid he would be fine.

Finally free of his self imposed duties Ratchet sub-spaced his medicine kit, shifted mid step to his harpy form and took to the skies. He banked to the east, heading back to the pale, distant serpentine strip of road where his misadventures had all begun. 'Figures, the first mechs to treat me like a worthy mate aren't even my species. The only one of my species willing to touch me is a bastard, and the gryphons were a thousand times better than Tracks.' Ratchet thought with slight bitterness, although a last thought made him smile, either gryphon was far more beautiful than Tracks could boast.

He pumped his wings harder, gaining in altitude to hide his pale form against the gathering clouds overhead. "Primus, please protect First Aid." Ratchet prayed as he flied silently wishing the flight would be over already anxious to have his youngling back in his arms once more.

Chapter: 1 : 2

character: sideswipe, character: sunstreaker, warning: sticky sex, fan fic, fandom: transformers, fanfiction, warning: dub-con, fic: wings of love, rating:nc-17, character: ratchet

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