Stuff still left to do before Switzerland

Dec 16, 2006 15:48


--Write Allende paper (Edit: ....Done, but probably not to his standard)
--Clean bathroom (Edit: Done!)
--Empty out fridge (Edit: Done!)
--Hike over to Public Storage with kitchen stuff
--Vaccuum (Edit: Done!)
--Clean kitchen (Edit: Done!)
--Call WDSRA (Edit: Left a message, so I guess that counts)
--Turn in health forms (Edit: Done!)
--Say goodbye (Edit: Done, unfortunately)
--Cry (Edit: Lots)

--Find some kind of income
--Get all the Christmas/birthday presents I didn't have time for
--Call T-Mobile
--Call the bank
--Power of Attorney letter
--Gifts for host family
--Holidays with family (including petty gossip)
--Pack again
--Finalize plans with Dad about trip
--Read at least one of the reccommended books for Switzerland

Alrighty Agnes folks, I gotta go! See you in August!
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