Aug 03, 2007 21:24
-AC gets turned off at work at 5.
-Leave work at 6:30
-Go to parents house to drop off CRO stuff I've had stinking up my car for a week.
-Find in the back of the car two perfect eggs. Surmise from the feel that they are now soft boiled. Have not had the courage to test this theory. The outside smells like rotten eggs. Can't imagine what the insides are like.
-Leave the house literally miliseconds before Dad gets home with pizza. Decide to go on.
-Get home. Find that the bathroom surfaces are all covered with dirty little kitty prints. Also all the ducks are helter skelter and there is a pizza crust on the counter.
-Get yelled at by the cats.
-Try and gather clothes so I can have something nice to wear for the family reunion.
-Can not find the skirt I'm looking for.
-Go downstairs. Surmise from the smell that someone has been masturbating in the stairwell. Judge from the dribbles on the door that they aimed for the door handle. Nice. >_<
-Put in laundry. Run back upstairs.
-Realize that Ares NEEDS a bath before we leave, that Kiki's litter NEEDS to be changed and that I have no more litter.
-Try to find shoes. Am unsuccessful.
-Find shoes that I twist my ankle in every time. No execption this time: Did it while I was walking out to the car.
-Went to Target hoping to see Puck. No such luck.
-Buy new shoes, litter, and oddities.
-Realized I forgot to call Schmaltz and tell him we couldn't make D&D. Feel like a royal ASSHOLE because we haven't called or visited in so long. *sigh*
-Find Puck. Say hello. Don't get to tell him anything.
-Go home.
-Get out of the car and try to gather the bags and get something from the backseat. Not happening. Go to slam the door and there's the sickly sound of glass breaking.
-Try to see what it is. Realize it's a bottle of spirit gum. Now my hands are covered in sticky crap and glass shards.
-Drop off the bags. Get all the glass off. Get yelled at by the cats.
-Run downstairs. Switch the laundry over. Only to find that all the driers are in use. Execpt for one. And on top of that one are neatly folded but soaking wet clothes. Move the clothes to the counter and yoink the drier. Feel guilty.
-Run back up stairs to bathe the cat, shave my legs, clean the litter boxes, fill food bowls, pack,and eat something.
-We're leaving for Massachusettes at 11pm. Puck's mum lives down by the cape (3 to 3 1/2 hour drive). Wish me luck. >_<
*whew* Back to work!
Have a great weekend!