suuuuuuuuurvey says:

Jun 21, 2007 16:53

208. My next ideal holiday would be: A day off. So I can just lounge around with Puck in bed all day and enjoy each other. <3

207. My hair color is: dark brown with red highlights in the sun

206. My ideal hair color (the one you secretly want to dye your mane): Purple so dark it’s almost black. With light purple highlights.

205. My favorite food is: Cheese.

204. My sexuality orientation is: Bisexual

203. I am normally stereotyped as: Quiet, sarcastic, bookish, quick witted, nurturing

202. My unshortened first name is: Danielle. Bleh.

201. I wish I were called: Leda, which thankfully I am.

200. My middle name is: Susan

199. I was born on: December 2, 1980

198. I am a: bookworm

197. My cell phone company is: CINGULAR

196. My eye color is: grey, blue, green, with yellow green around the pupil

195. My shoe size is: 8-9

194. My ring size is: um . . . 7-8?

193. My height is: 5'3'’

192. I am allergic to: Gnat bites. My own sweat.

191. I was born in: Derby, CT

190. I live in: Bethany, CT

189. The last book I read: I’m reading Dance of the Gods.

188. My bed is: covered in blankets, cat fur, stuffed animals and pillows.

187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: They are creatures of sight and smell.

186. I am glad I'm my sex because: I get to play damsel in distress, whether I’m distressed or not. ^_^

185. If you were the opposite sex, what would your name be? Jimmie Dale Jr. Yeeeeeeehaw.

184. Cell Phone background picture: a Lucky Kitty

183. Cell phone charms: Hello Kitty in safari gear riding a lion and Pikachu

182. Cell phone color: Silver

181. Do you use the calendar on your phone: yes, but when I put it in I usually remember it anyway. It’s the stuff I say I’ll remember without help that I forget.

180. My least favorite Holiday is: Saint Patrick’s Day. : (

179. My favorite Holiday is: Halloween, no pressure, no presents, just fun

178. The perfect kiss is: slow and sweet, with claws.

177. The last three cd's I bought are: Shrek 1 & Shrek 2 soundtracks, Disney Princess Collection (say a word and I break your face), and the new Nightmare Before Christmas tribute soundtrack <3

176. Last song that made me cry was: Fiona Apple’s Never is a Promise

175. Last song you heard: The Wall

174. Last song you had stuck in your head: Boundin’ ^_^

173. Theme song of your life: Walking Man’s Road by America

172. My most treasured possession(s) is (are): my car, the Sailor Moon Star Locket, hard cover copy of Cat Magic, Labyrinth Soundtrack, Nenya, and my stiletto Fiametta <3

170. What did you do last night: a bit of this, a bit of that . . .

169. What did you wear: work clothes: black ankle length skirt, purple velvet shirt, black shoes

168. Are those your normal clothes: yeah pretty much

167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): crisp with tan after.

:::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::

166. Magic? Yes

165. Fairies? As in earth spirits, yes.

164. Organized Religion? I know it exists . . .

163. Astral Travel? Yes, I just don’t think I could do it.

162. Reincarnation? Absolutely. First hand.

161. A benevolent and kindly higher power? Yes. But not lax. She & He are into tough love when we need it.

160. A wrathful and vengeful higher power? Naw.

159. Wishing on stars? Always

158. Devils, demons, imps, beings of pure evil? Yes

157. Tarot Cards? Yes

156. Fortune telling in general? Mostly (when I do it anyway ^_^)

155. Precognition? Yes

154. Clairaudience? Yes

153. Clairvoyance? Yes

152. Love? Yes

151. Simultaneous Orgasms? ^_~ It does happen

150. Angels? Yes

149.Immaculate Conception? Eeeeeeeeeeehh . . . Yeah kinda

148. Spontaneous Human Combustion? Yes

147. Possession? *shudder* Yes

146. Loc Ness Monster? Sure

145. Jersey Devil? It’s possible

144. Other/Alternate Dimensions? The possibility that there are: Yes

143. Santa? I know Saint Nicholas did really exist and he was a generous person. Yes

142. Love at first sight? No. But I believe in souls finding each other after a long time and knowing it the first time you see the other person.

141. Luck? Yes. I have mediocre luck.

140. Fate? A certain weave to life yes, but a definite pattern? No.

139. Hate? Yes.

138. Aliens? Yesss.

136. Hell? The afterlife is what you expect it to be. I expect Summer therefore no Hell.

135. Ghosts? Yes, we have pictures. ^_~

134. Horoscopes? Meh . . . not the ones in the paper but when done by a real astrologist; yes.

133. Soul mates? In a way. Souls that loved each other and remember that love, yes. One mate that you will have and should only be with, no.

132. Fountain of Youth? No.

131. Bermuda Triangle? Yes

130. Bigfoot (yeti)? Maaaybe. An untold branch on the human tree.

:::::Which is Better?:::::

129. Hugs or Kisses? Being held while kissing is the cat’s pajama’s

128. Drunk or High: neither.

127. Phone or Online: Online. Serves my chickenshit style better.

126. Red heads or Black hair: Black. Red headed boys give me hives and girls are usually too pretty for me to like. ; p

125. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunette.

124. Hot or cold: Cold.

123. Summer or winter: Fall actually. But, I suppose winter.

122. Coffee or tea: Tea <3

121. Chocolate or vanilla: Strawberry!

120. Night or Day: Day

119. Oranges or Apples: Yes ^_^

118. Curly or Straight hair: Wavy ^_~ (I’m awfully middle of the road today)

117. Flowers or Chocolates: Flowers

:::::Here's What I Think About:::::

116. Abortion: pro-choice

115. Backstabbers: You get what you give.

114. Parents: mine are great. But not all of them are.

113. School: missed opportunity

112. The President: >_< JERK

111. Global Warming: It is happening and we need to slow it down.

110. The Enquirer: Good for a laugh. Silly.

109. Maxim: Funny, sexy chicks.

108. PETA: SCARY. Totally scary. It’s like Greenpeace used to be.

107. Time: Invented. It helps keep us in line.

106. Trailer Parks vs. Tornados: I feel bad for them . . . but for the love of Pete, don’t plant a trailer park in Tornado alley.

105. Television: Mostly boring.

104. Karaoke: Fun to listen to; wouldn’t ever catch me up there.

::::Last time I:::

103. Yelled at someone: yesterday

102. Last time I hugged someone: yesterday

101. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: last weekend

100. Orgasmed: the night before last

99. Cut your hair: a week or so. *whimper*

98. Bathed: this morning

97. Went to the doctor: last year sometime. Spring I think.

96. Went clothes shopping: after Christmas

95. Played on a trampoline: at one of the Henning’s Halloween parties’ eons ago.

94.Watched cartoons: last night

93. Played Pretend: Beginning of the month, I’m a larper ^_~

92. E-mailed: noontime

91. Texted: last week


87. One thing I'm mad about right now: work >_<

86. One thing I’m sad about right now: nothing really

85. One thing I’m happy about right now: it’s 4:30

84. One thing I’m not thinking about right now: Christmas.

83. The last movie I saw in the theater was: The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D!!!

82. Best Pick up line you’ve ever gotten/given: O_o never gotten one . . . and the best I’ve given is ‘Hi’

81. Favorite sexy move: Eating ice cream in a cone or popcorn. I’ve gotten it down to a science. ^_^

80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received: “ Because.”

79. Some things I love about the opposite sex are: Broad shoulders, intrinsic protective nature, and penis

78. Some things I love about my sex are: can pierce ears as much as we like, can be really really attracted to someone (and horny about it) and no one can tell, get to wear dresses and corsets, can pamper ourselves without stigma. Oh yeah and girls are nice to make out with. ^_~

77. The thing I hate most about sex is: bodily fluids EVERYWHERE.

76. This summer I am: going to be hot

75. The thing I will miss most when I leave home is: my Dad, talks with my mum, their cats, free food. ^_^

74. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: a weekend off.

73. Tomorrow: the day after today

72. Today: work

71. Next Summer: hot, summery

70. Next Week: cold, wintery

69. Next Year: Being a bit more out of the financial hole.

68. Before Death: Reading every book known to man. And owning my own larp.

67. People call me: Mr. Bombastic? Maurice? Al?

66. On my tombstone it will say: “Pauper and Lover of Princes”

65. The best charity out there is: Pff that’s like choosing the most beautiful rose. They’re all worthy and all-important. This is why I give so much money to charity. And my hair for heaven’s sake!

64. If you had a quarter: I’d look for a cool vending machine with toys in it.

63. If you had a hammer: I’d hit you with it. >_<

62. The person who knows the most about me is: Puck

61. The person that can read me the best is: Puck, curse him.

60. The one thing I can't do is: live without fear or worry : (

59. I have gotten a speeding ticket: One . . . in Rhode Island . . . where it is now a warrant . . . O_o

58. Your car is: a black PT Cruiser named Endymion

57. Your first car was: a grey Toyota Camry named Kitty.

56. My zodiac sign is: Sagittarius with the moon in Cancer

55. The first person I thought I was in love with was: Chris. I still think fondly about him. I was just young and dumb.

54. The first pet you had: A Russian blue cat named Charlie

53. The one person who can't hide things from me: Puck & Gina

52. Your super power: I’d be able to heal, talk to animals, and grow plants. Kind of Gaia of me, I know.

51. Superman or Batman: Batman! He’s TEH sex! And he’s got Catwoman, Black Cat, Joker & Harley, Poison Ivy, and Alfred in his world. Can’t go wrong.

50. Do you know the words to the Star Spangled Banner: Yeah . . .

49. All the verses: Um . . . I thought I did . . . O_O

48. I have/will get a job at: I have a job at a box making plant. I will get a job where I’m the boss.

47. I have how many pets: 2

46. I hope: for a better, more caring, more ecologically sound world

45. The worst sound in the world: a screaming child/baby. High pitch whistles. Sirens or phones ringing in the middle of the night.

44. The person that makes me cry the most is: Myself.

43. The movie that is most like my life is: Used to be Practical Magic then I lost my sister. Now it’s more like Illuminata. Everyone’s sleeping with everyone else, your true love isn’t perfect and that’s ok, we’re all artists and thieves and whores but in the end it’s beautiful and sad and graceful.

42. Song lyric of the day: “Do I love you because you’re wonderful, or are you wonderful because I love you?” or “Whatever happened to class? Whatever happened to please may I or yes thank you?”

41. Cartoon most like my life: Hm . . . Scooby Doo . . . without the traveling around to cool places part.

40. Cartoon Character you ‘are’: Velma. ^_^ I identify with Sailor Jupiter (Makoto) from Sailor Moon

39. My boy/girlfriend: and your boy/girlfriend sittin’ by the fire. My boy/girlfriend says to your boy/girlfriend I’m gonna set your flag on fire. Talkin’ bout hey-na hey-na iko-iko-wan-ae. ;p

38. Book character people compare you to: Susan from The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe

37. Favorite way to waste 10 bucks: Buy a manga.

36. Favorite way to waste 20 bucks: buy a manga or a book, and Taco Bell. ^_^

35. Florida or Hawaii: Hawaii. Never been either place so . . .

34. East or West: Coast? Region of the world? Europe or Aisa? What are you asking here??? East I guess. *huff*

33. My favorite piece of clothing: it’s purple and it’s velvet-esque. That explains half of my wardrobe.

32. My favorite sport is: Equestrian

31. Last time I cried: didn’t we do this already?

30. Last time you drank cappuccino in an Italian restaurant with an oriental woman? Damn! You’ve been spying on me again! Must kill you to preserve the illusion!!!!

29. Last time you drank cappuccino or coffee? It’s been a while . . .

28. The school I go to is: Hard Knocks

27. Last person I got mad at: Probably Puck . . .

26. My worst drinking experience was: Red wine. It gives me a hangover like death.

25. My most embarrassing moment: there are too damn many to count.

24. Favorite website: Deviant Art. I loves all the pretty pictures.

23. Most frequented website: Cro’s forum

22. The all-time best movie is: Princess Bride. It has it all.

21. The all-time best thing in the world is: picnics

20. How much is this thing pissing you off right now: Meh.

19. The most annoying thing ever is: intentional stupidity. Trying to be stupid to be cute or funny. RAR!

HOW YOU FEEL . . . .

18. The most annoying person you know is: myself

17. I lose all respect for people who: treat animals, children, and the elderly or handicapped badly; Braggarts, bigots, racists, those who won’t even try to see another point of view

16. The movies I have cried at are: Too many to list. All Dogs Go to Heaven, Moulin Rouge, Corpse Bride (extenuating circumstances), Edward Scissorhands, Bambi, and on and on and on . . .

15. My closest friends: are listed here many times

14. TV shows you watch: Not many. I’ll flip through Animal Planet, Sci-fi, Discovery (and all it’s bastard step kids), History Channel (unless it’s modern warfare bleh), Cartoon Network, VH-1, Comedy Central, and Food Network. I’ll pretty much always pause on Who’s line is it anyway?, Unwrapped, sketch comedy, anime, and I love the ____ insert year here. I work a lot and read a lot so I really don’t watch much TV.

13. Movie you want to see: BLACK SHEEP a movie about killer sheep. With New Zealanders. And were sheep. *squeee*

12. I want to be 21 so I can: not be 26 anymore

11. The worst pain I was ever in was: hm . . . probably breaking my tailbone. It still hurts whenever the weather changes

10. My favorite phrase: Better than a sharp stick in the eye!

9. My room has: Stuff my stuff his stuff cat stuff computer stuff and STUFF!

8. My favorite celebrity is: Jennifer Connolly. She’s smart and sexy.

5. My weaknesses are: books, animals, velvet, Catwoman, Jim Henson’s creations and sugar.

4. My favorite teachers: Pretty much all my Art, Theater, and English teachers throughout my life. Except for Dr. *foreboding music* Liberman *thunder crash*.

3. Who broke your heart: The knight, the cleric, the mercenary and the prince. But the prince has atoned.

2. I filled out 208 questions because: it gives me stress relief between insanity at work.

1. What do you regret most: Screwing around and goofing off in college.
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