BSG. I... um... well -

Dec 02, 2006 12:47


Can I just say, in shippery exposition without exploring much of the episode in depth:

item: Katee Sackhoff is SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. Honestly, predominance of human population, how can we be expected to prefer superskinny plasticine faces and/or big 'attributes' over that. How? Kara's not perfect or ladylike and IS a mess and a troublemaker, but god(s).... but Katee makes her vivid and brilliant and natural. I'd hit that in a heartbeat. (Kara, I mean, not Katee, although maybe... and I say that as a girl who likes sex with boys and who isn't, in the general run, attracted to girls at all). Kara did a horrible (though emotionally consistent) thing: when faced with something that made her vulnerable and kept her in constant contact with her prior mistakes, even with the counterbalance of Lee's love... she ran. Fucking awful, cruel, next thing to unforgivable. But so Starbuck, and somehow, despite the fact of it, I am STILL loving Kara. And evidently so is Lee: compared to sweet (if a little mawkish) pretty and pretty-one-dimensional Dee? I really can't blame Lee for being ->| |<- this close to switching back to piloting the Viper and not the rescue raptor.

item:Not that I have anything against Dee, who is one of the real victims in this frak up of galactica proportions. I like her. I just don't see that there's ever been enough of her on screen to flesh out the motivations of her interest in Lee, let alone the consequences thereof. She's cool, competent and forgiving. Seriously, a rescue boat for fucked-up loverboy Lee. She doesn't deserve this, no matter how cavalier her behaviour to Billy (BILLY!) comes off. But then, while I experience general empathy for her, I am afraid I really don't care. I don't know why I'm supposed to value her relationship with Lee. I was never given a reason, and the bond was never tested. I more understand that I should feel sorry for Dee rather than actually feel it.

item: Anders, poor schmuck. You're a good guy, and I don't think you deserved to be the unwitting fourth in this um... polygon, either. But that is the entire source of your appeal for Kara, you know? unwittingness. You don't know nothin' about the girl, and you can't really keep up with her, and you certainly can't meet her on her terms. I'm starting to think that the love Kara feels for Sam has a goodly proportion of nostalgia: she goes back 'home' - planet, pyramid, faith, rebellion - and finds someone who fits all of the above. His memory sees her through some really difficult and trying times, but in reality, she isn't the kind to settle. I love Sam, I do. I love him with Kara, too (contrary to shipper!tendencies) because together they have a kind of innocense that appeals. But if there's one thing that we know about growing up, it's that innocense doesn't last.

item: Lee. Buddy. I... Jamie was brilliant this episode. And Lee, despite finally, FINALLY, making the first move with Kara, making it clear what he wants and where it's going, does what I rather expected he would: hold a grudge. Take a takeback. Start a personal inventory of comestibles aboard the Pegasus. Marry Dualla. (WTF? I mean, I know that it happens and everything, but still.) Way to go, Apollo.

Sigh. The poor lad. I know he's screwed up emotionally and everything, but the sympathy that should be there (and is, just not... overwhelmingly) has this jarring note of 'well, what did you expect?' in it. I've bit my lip a thousand times in the last 20 episodes over Lee's seeming inability to act, and his inexplicable inability to follow through. He makes the same mistake as Sam, every time: lets Kara walk away, push him away, whatever. And then, when he finally gets off his ass, comes on strong and they actually manage a little emotional honesty, he does it AFTER other people are involved in the issue. Hell, he calls her 'the future Mrs. Anders.' He's been arranging Dualla's transfer to his ship and his bed. And this gives him liscense, suddenly, to cross all the lines?

Seriously, Lee. WAY TO GO.

*throws arms in air in frustration with the vagaries of pilots*

item: pilot!sex. And Kara being (or was it just me?) close to tears. And the goofy field of declarations. And it being so obviously lovemaking and not just consensual pilot!sex. I... well. We've been waiting a while for this, haven't we? it was so beautiful. Their kiss, their smiles, the eyefrakking at boxing, the whole shebang, slays me. I may be an incurable pilot shipper, but I hope I am not a completely irrational one, right up until I see the two of them on screen together, and then... they just scorch my objectivity into tiny little blown-away-out-an-airlock ashes.

*takes a breath*

item: mom & dad and the art of suggestive conversation. Need I say more? If this ep made me ache for pilots, it made me grin like an idiot for Laura and Bill. I don't think they took things any further (BUT THEY WERE BOTH THINKING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!) so I hope there will be more of same in episodes to come. LOTS MORE.

Okay. I think I've exhausted the first flush of my post-episodal shipperiness. Will write a review in the next few days; I'm afraid I have not been able to drum up enthusiasm enough for either A Measure of Salvation or Heroes, neither of which I have had desire to rewatch in order to review. Instead, I will go and write slightly too comfortable post-coital pilots for Contraventions for a half-hour and then get some sleep. The lad has a rare day of leisure upon the morrow, and it's MINE, I tell you! MINE. So I want to be awake to experience it.

I hope anyone who held off reading my spoilerif!Fic (sorta) Aphrodisia will now relent. It isn't quite jossed, to my surprise.

*hugs the flist*

reviews, teevees, feel the love, author wannabe, elljays

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