OMG! My wonderful FList takes me amazing places... including over to wikipedia in search of Gambit & Rogue updates (yay for
Rawles and
Rhienelleth!) and in reading all that junk I stumbled across an interesting tidbit...
Gambit's voice in the 'mutant high' version of the cartoon/comic - "Ultimate X-Men" - is provided by Alessandro Juliani. HI GAETA! GAETA = GAMBIT.
Consider me mildly squeeing.
I'm curious to hear this voice-talent now. I somehow don't think I can imagine Gaeta with a cajun accent. That's just ... wierd. But it's fun to see where my first real 'ship and fandom are colliding with one of my latest.
The other of my latest - very new, and probably mildly cringeworthy - fandoms is CSI:NY. I was always a fan of the original flayva, cannot stand Miami (whoever it was who christened Caruso's character 'HoCaine', I LOVE YOU) because it's very pretty and VERY STUPID, but New York? Yum. Great cast, much more coherent storylines and while, like all procedurals, it waaaay overstates the job descriptions of those who work in criminalistics, it's also superbly acted and beautifully filmed.
That's not to say it doesn't have all the CSI failings, which it does. However, I still like it. Which led me to the other little collision in fandoms this week: those TV-Guide sexy men that people link all over the place, with the 'look, it's a Bamber!crotch' pic? The last guy in the selection is Carmine Giovinazzo, CSI:NY's "Danny Messer". I have no idea why he's touted as being from 'Ghost Whisperer' given I've never seen him on there. And Danny is one of the very nice things about CSI:NY.
Maybe the show's old news in the US, but here in the whacky land of Oz, I've only seen a few episodes on TV, shown ridiculously out of order and repeated at wierd intervals. And seeing I don't want to buy half-season DVD sets, I've been bad, finding torrents for eps and mainlining them over the past week or two. And thus I was won over to a new fandom. Yay.
Apparently a lot of the fandom is all hoYay about this show. And while I'll admit, Gary Sinise, Eddy Cahill and Carmine are really nice to look at, why is it that my brain does not go that direction? I just don't see it. It'd be pretty, and I have no objections to homosexuality at all, but it isn't my instinct to either see same-sex chemistry in most m-m or f-f interactions nor to want to 'ship them. I can't think of a single fandom where I have done so without serious outside influence. (yes, flist, I'm looking at some of you!)
I'm not sure if this is because I'm unashamedly into the male of the species, myself, because that isn't an exclusive tendency. I have my girl!yum moments. I've even toyed with the possibility. But I'm still very, very het. Looking around a lot of the writing in the new fandom, I'm starting to wonder if I missed some developmental stage in my fandomishness, because baby, just don't see the slash!
Which brings me back to Gaeta. While he has something of an androgynous nature going on, I still don't see the gay. I don't. I think his adorable, hero-worship puppy-dogging of Gaius in the first few eps is hilarious and hopeless, but I still don't see the gay. I actually see more warmth in his interactions with Dualla, as few and far as those have been (omg, sad, because that pairing would rock) than I do in the Gaius/Gaeta stuff. Fic can change your perceptions, can't it? When was the last time most of us blinked and went no wai over the idea that Gaeta is gay?
Anyway, in fandom terms, I am not yet fic'ing for CSI. I don't really have 'ships to write in, and until I manage to find the last few eps of s2 of CSI:NY I wouldn't feel qualified to write for it. And as for CSI: original flayva, I'd write it, but I've seen the entirety of three seasons plus the disjointed eps shown on Australian TV, which puts me currently FOUR seasons behind. I don't think I'll be fic'ing CSI:Vegas anytime soon. I am however, still working on the BSG.
Or, I will be after my lad calls me from London this morning. Until then, I'm going back to bed. Isn't it nice to have a Friday on which you need be nowhere and do nothing except fandomise?