Apologies to those waiting on E&A; I've had a bad week, and what little focus I have been able to dredge up for BSG has been rather co-opted by the ramifications of Scar. I'm going to need a bigger bunny hutch, to say the least.
As for the story itself, I have some rewriting to do on the current chapter. It'll give me something to do while I wait for Sacrifice to download, so you should see it late this weekend. Chapter 6 is probably a week away, too many things needed changing and I'm not happy with it.
Not sure what I'm doing with writing at the moment. I like what I'm producing a lot of the time, but I'm not sure whether I like it enough. Other writers: do you question the quality of your fic? Where it 'ranks' in comparison to other writers in your fandoms? I know there's some that produce whatever and don't care about critique, but I do... and I'm very uninspired at present.
So, to those who don't mind stroking my ego a little: I want to know what you like about my writing, and what you don't. Happy to have anon responses if that's your preference. Be cruel if necessary.
I know we're headed in a completely non-Kara/Lee direction on BSG now, and heading apparently more and more towards something Roslin/Adama'ish even if it's not 'romantic' per se, but listening to the podcasts, Ron Moore can't seem to keep the idea of Lee/Dualla in his head without the automatic inclusion of Kara. Talking about Kara and "the man she loves"... and it ain't Anders. Which is nice. But what's really bugging me about the whole deal? He opens this week's podcast with a discussion of why the opening scene doesn't really work for him, because these people are people we have no connection with and don't care about.
ARGH. He obviously knows why this doesn't work. So why did he make it the entire basis for "Black Market"?
Also, I am firmly convinced that 70% of the dramatic 'issues' that he dreams up are spur of the moment things. "Adama is a cylon"? Spur of the moment. Created to induce distrust and then co-opted to set up "Tigh Me Up". Otherwise? I'm leaning more and more towards 'lie'. Same with the Kara shooting Lee thing. Someone suggested it, and it smarts, so he likes it.
Does that suggest masochism to you?
At any rate, he spends half the podcast as usual discussing the creation of sets and the vaguaries of editing and not discussing the occurrences on the show, but he offers the occasional insight. What bothers me most though is that he's obviously expecting people to invest in Lee/Dualla but shamelessly admits that almost every interaction they've had has been cut. Again.
Honestly, we've been given more Kara/Anders than Dualla/Lee, and it's still not enough in my opinion to convince me to care. The only thing that makes that interesting is Kara's characterisation. I still haven't seen anything in Lee/Dualla to make it appropriate to what we know of Lee. He said it himself so he shouldn't need reminding, but RDM, WE NEED A REASON TO CARE. (Otherwise, just give us the fucking hot!pilots!fucking, kill Anders and send Dee back to CIC, will you?)