Jul 05, 2005 14:21
Best All-Around Author - Rheanna
Best Fan Fiction - Twelve by Rheanna
Best Characterization - existing character - For Whom it is Reserved by Sangga
Best Original Character - Calliope by Rheanna
Best Relationship Depiction (Tie) - Laws of Gravity by Brynn McK and Like Daphne by Ancarett
Best Kara/Lee Fan Fiction - Something Pretty by Kate Andrews
Best Laura/Lee Fan Fiction - Iocasta in Waiting by tigerlady
Best Roslin/Adama Fan Fiction - Believe me in this by Charis
Best Helo/Boomer Fan Fiction (Tie) - Nature of the Machine by SabaceanBabe and Turn It Around by Claira
Best Six/Baltar Fan Fiction - Not What You Need by Claira
Best Other Relationship Fan Fiction - Counterpoint by Leda
(extremely close with Let's Keep Dancing (or Five Ways To 'Ship Kara Thrace) by Claira and The Moments In Between by Pen and Claira behind it by just one vote)
(Leda sez: flattering, but unbelievable! Thanks those who voted for me, but it wasn't my pick - Pen and Claira rock!)
Best Plot-Driven Fan Fiction - Twelve by Rheanna
Best Crossover - How Season 2 Won't Start by Waldo
Best PWP Fan Fiction - Something Pretty by Kate Andrews
Best NC-17 Fan Fiction - Something Pretty by Kate Andrews
Best Non-NC-17 Fan Fiction - Asterism by widget285
Best Poem - The Cylon by Spaceman Spiff
Best Story 1,000 Words or Less - No Cigar by Ancarett
Best Story Over 50,000 Words - Twelve by Rheanna
Best Unfinished Story - A Fine and Private Place, Part 1 - World Enough and Time by QueenofThorns
Most Underrated Story - Drunk and Disorderly by Waldo
Congratulations everyone - amazing showing from the LJ communities! I'm so proud to write with / for / read the work of great writers.
feel the love,
author wannabe,