Jul 21, 2004 15:07
Name:: Nicholas Menard
Nickname(s):: Nick, Menard, im sure there are others i dont know about
Birthday:: april 10
Birthplace:: dearborn
Current mood:: tired
Current taste:: pepsi
Current hair:: long
Current clothes: jeans, zeppelin shirt, and my hopkins hat
Current annoyance:: annoying people
Current smell:: axe
Current thing you ought to be doing:: unpacking or painting
Current desktop picture:: picture of my face i made
Current favorite band:: zeppelin, of course
Current book:: the picture of dorian gray
Current CD in stereo:: ska-p (spanish ska band)
Current crush:: i fell in love with alicia silverstone when i was 9, and its been like that ever since
Current favorite celeb:: johnny depp knows whats up
Smoke:: cigars i picked up in france
Do drugs:: not anymore
Have a dream that keeps coming back:: not really
Remember your first real love:: i had this white blankey, lost it in germany when i was 5... it broke my heart
Still love them:: i think about it every now and then
Read the newspaper:: yea
Have any gay or lesbian friends:: haha yea, i think
Believe in miracles:: remember 1980?
Believe it’s possible to remain faithful forever:: sure why not
Consider yourself tolerant of others:: somewhat, but if i really dont like you, you'll know
Consider love a mistake:: if shes a whore
Like the taste of alcohol:: beer is amazing
Have a favorite candy:: caramello
Believe in astrology:: stars are gay
Believe in God: im mixed
Have any pets:: nah, but i want to steal a kitty from ashley
Got to or plan to go to college:: of course
Have any piercings:: no
Have any tattoos:: want one
Hate yourself:: i slit my wrists every once in a while, but i feel better the next day
Have an obsession:: music, and driving
Have a secret crush:: ooooh yea
Do they know yet:: yep
Have a best friend:: yea, hes a good guy
Wish on stars:: i told you, stars are gay
Care about looks:: looking good is important
Love life::
First crush:: geez, laura heikenin in 1st grade, but i think shes aneroxic now or something
First kiss:: kristin budsziz on new years eve
Single or Taken:: single
Ever been in love: : love, or infatuation... mckernan style
Do you believe in love at first sight:: i guess
……word association…..
rubber:: duck
rock:: cocaine
green:: state
cry:: jo
peanut:: butter
hay:: horse
cold:: snow
freaky:: i dunno
rain:: wet
bite:: mesquito
hair:: brown
eyes:: blue or something... i cant see them, the hair is in the way
height:: 6'0
……last thing you…..
bought:: slurpee
ate:: pizza
drank:: water
read:: men's health
Club or house party:: house party, its easier to pass out
Cats or Dogs:: cats
Single or taken:: trick question
Pen or pencil:: pencil
Gloves or mittens:: mittens
food or candy:: food
cassette or CD:: vinyl bitches
…..have you ever….
Dated one of your best friends:: hmmm... yes
Loved somebody so much it made you cry:: nah
Broken the law:: of course
Run away from home:: i dont go home too much
Broken a bone:: wrist once
Played truth or dare:: yes
Kissed someone you didn`t know:: she spoke french
Been in a fight:: for sure
Come close to dying:: that or a severe coma...
The most embarrassing CD in your collection:: fuck if i know
What is your bedroom like:: posters on the wall, mattress on the floor guarded by the berlin wall of clothes, tv, chair, other random shit
Your favorite thing for breakfast:: i dont eat breakfast
……last person you…..
Talked to:: lindsay
IMed:: burke
Hugged:: ashley
Kissed:: dana kissed my cheek
Had a serious conversation with:: not really sure
Yelled at:: i dont yell
Befriended:: i dunno
…..random questions……
What’s on your bedside table:: i dont have one, but if i did, probably a cool clock radio combo
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night:: i usually make a caesar salad
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie:: i cried when bambi's mom died, but i was 6
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done:: abs
What feature are you most insecure about:: that gay birthmark that i fucking hate, especially when people ask about it
Do you ever have to beg:: form money alot
Are you a pyromaniac:: some what
Do you know anyone famous:: jeremy bronson
Describe your bed:: blue sheets, about 12 pillows, 2 comforters, and 3 blankets
Spontaneous or plain:: spontaneous
Do you know how to play poker:: my middle name is the 4 ace bandit... actually its john. but yea i can play
What do you carry with you at all times:: phone, wallet, and my hat
How do you drive:: im a safe reckless driver
What do you miss most about being little:: who ever said i grew up
How much money would it take to get you to give up the internet for a year:: shit, i dunno
What color is your bedroom:: blue
What was the last song you were listening to:: ELO- Fire on High
Do you talk a lot:: yes
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself:: yea, i dont think im that bad
Do you think you`re cute:: i dunno
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you:: haha thats random
Do people in general annoy you:: actually, yes
Pick a word that describes you best:: i dunno, think of one for me
if you took the time to read that, good job... sorry to bore you haha
rock on.