(no subject)

May 08, 2005 18:47

Wow, I really suck at updating

Brief summary of my weekend,

Went to grandmas, she fed me WAY too much food, I am more of a fatass than before. Was bored, attempted to draw but didn’t get far before getting pissed off because I seriously cant do art like I used to. My cousins came on sat. I was forced to go to the pool with them, damn Cait for bringing me a bathing suit. So yeah, I cant swim to begin with but the fact that my heart rate went all crazy didn’t help either. So I basically sat around in the shallow end watching my little cousin Emily to make sure she didn’t drown. On Sun, we went to church-JOY. It felt more awkward than usual. Then I came home. And oh by the way, on the drive home we stopped at Burger King and the guy there was hitting on me- it was kinda funny. He wasn’t too bad looking either...just ya know a smidgen out of my age area. I'd guess he was about 19-21 (somewhere in there).

As a side note: Chlorine makes me look like ass. My hair is nasty (yes I washed it) and my skin decided to be ultra sensitive and become all nasty and irritated.

Side note #2: I might not come to school tomorrow, I haven’t decided. I need a day off to relax and work out some of my mental issues I've been having. The last thing I need is a random breakdown.

here's a piece of the joy I had at my grandmas

as you can see, I went for a very long walk on the golf course behind my grandmas house

for some reason, I liked this tree

top of the hill looking down, not too big...

I ran down that hill, it was bigger than it looked. The fun part of it was when my heart rate went up again and I almost passed out at the bottom

some sweet looking country club on the side of the golf course

country club again

random unused land on the side of the course

some side path that was pretty

the morning dew made my shoes wet...yes I was still in my PJs

laying on the guest bed with my headphones

I thought the morning light through the window looked kinda cool


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