the blue house i see every year which is a lot greater in person
marvin in piedmont park
marvin and me at nirvana's cocktail party
all my roommates asleep in the living room
trying out alex's mandolin
marvin at the pumpkins show
marvin and sam, our last day visiting anthony at pizza hut ever!
while dogsitting a week ago i discovered that my dad's bathroom mirror has.. meerkats on it. for whatever reason.
marvin and anthony fell asleep under our portrait of my greatgreatgreatgreat grandfather, james overton (aka the source of my weird middle name)
park in roswell or something
acworth beach is always beautiful
a night or two ago, anthony put dishwashing liquid in the dishwasher even after i read the "not dishwasher safe" warning out loud to him. this is the result.
marvin passed out on my bed tonight, ha.
THE END (for now)