May 15, 2006 19:15
Today begins my attempt to re-connect with the goings on of all things new and modern. Most new and modern things appear to be hooked into the prospect of baring ones soul (or at least ones body parts) on the Internet. Well, this is my shout out to "ME TOO!" I'm diving back into the pool with a vengeance, and damn the consequences and the torpedoes, too.
The reason for all this, you ask? For the first time in my life, I felt like an old fart the other day. And yes, I know that when I was half my current age, I thought anyone five years younger than me WAS an old fart. Time has a funny way of making you feel like an ass like that. Anyway, I was having a conversation with a friend and something of a technical nature was mentioned. Before I knew what I was saying, out of my mouth popped the words "Yeah, well I don't get that. I guess I've reached the point where I'm not going to learn about some new techie things unless I need to know it to change the channels on my TV."
Whoa! What the Hell just happened there?! There was a time when I read 2600. I was the first kid on the block with a computer, for God's sake! I don't know if I've slowed down or if my brain has gotten full. The latter would at least explain the headaches.
Times, my friends, they are a changin'. I guess one secret to life is to change right along with them.