well it was saturday night - an essay by Marc Branconnier

Apr 12, 2005 13:12

-> *copies and paste from PM box* Originally posted: 11 Apr 2005 07:47 pm

so I saw him again saturday, spent the night and hung out with him all sunday til late in the evening. I hadnt planned on it but im so glad. Well I wanted to but wasnt sure of what he was doing and if he had plans. I called him from work on saturday, I just had to speak to him, I always feel like I bug him when I call him there, prolly cause I do since he seems to be pretty busy. works at Rona, which is like a Canadian Home Depot. Saturday rush I guess, anyway it's brief and short and he's all, when is your day off? and I tell him it's tomorrow. Then he said he had to go back to work but that we'd be seeing each other online later in the evening. It was getting late but he finally logged on, being all indirect asking me what I had planned for the evening, exchanged a couple of lame jokes and told him to be direct, that if he wants to see me he should just ask instead of tip toeing around the subject. So it's almost 10pm and here I am in my car, smiling like an asshole heading for his place like it's Disney Land. Highlight of my sucky day. We spent the evening chatting about stuff it was super cool. And then yesterday we went for a walk, and we talked some more, we hung out and I didnt wanna leave his place. He asked if I wanted to spend the night again and as much as I wanted to I couldnt cause I work today and I didnt want make 2 trips, going back home and then heading back to work again. Too much road. So I left. and that's pretty much it.

I asked him if he liked spending time with me. He said yes but I could see the question was making him feel a bit weird like it was coming out of nowhere but i told him that i just wanted to know. Then asked him when we would see each other again and I regretted it a second later. I must have sound like a complete needy bitch but what can I say, I just like being around him and it's a nice change, the only other guy i've been so comfortable around with was Daniel and that was months and months ago. He didnt answer that question. I know he'll want to see me again but the girl in me would just like some confirmation and that's where I go wrong. I shouldnt need it. I need to take things as they come. Anyway, I left a DVD at his place, I told him he could borrow it so I'll have to get it back sooner or later I guess. Last friday he invited me with his friend from work to see this Drag show. It's funny cause it's SO not his scene, nor is it mine. and people from his work dont even know he's gay cause the question was never asked. But yeah he invited me and it's next weekend. by that time I was like, dude, it's in a week, I wanna see you before that (i didnt say it but thought it) that's why I'm glad I got to see him again this weekend. I don't know about next weekend though, I work, 11am-7pm, I could do it, and even if the idea of going to see a Drag show isn't exactly my idea of spending a saturday night, being with him would make it up for it.

I feel like im rambling, like I said i dont even know if you wanna know but im taking a chance and it's nice to talk about it with somebody.
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