I see London...

Apr 24, 2005 00:39

Miss VI LE is flying on:

Thursday 09 June
Check in opens 2:55 PM;Closes 4:25 PM
London Gatwick (South Terminal) To Rome Ciampino
flight 5257; dep. 16:55; arr. 20:25

Monday 18 July
Check in opens 6:55 PM; Closes 8:25 PMR
Rome Ciampino To London Gatwick (South Terminal)
flight 5258; dep. 20:55; arr. 22:25

No insanely expensive sleeper car for us (although I would have dearly cherished the opportunity to re-enact my favorite vits of Murder on the Orient Express) but a 88 pound fare on a ominously vague 'plane' booked on a dubiously cheap website!
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