[Gojyo stopped in mid-stride, suddenly feeling in pain and ill. He took a step backwards, unsure of what was going on, and felt the symptoms go away.]
What the f-- Damn it, no. Not something else on top of this.
[Tails had stopped as well, looking around in confusion and see nothing amiss, just a grown up he hadn't met.]
Wonder what that was....
[He tries walking again.]
Thanks to his experience with Ginia and Hakkai, Gojyo realizes what's going on as soon as Tails tries to walk farther.]
Stupid fox! Stop! You're as stupid as the monkey. You try walking away again and I swear I'll...
[Gojyo's voice trails off as he realizes that the fox is pretty young.]
Listen. We're stuck. Don't try walking farther, or we're going to get hurt.
[Tails processes this pretty quickly, nodding his head uncertainly.]
O-okay Mister, but what do we do now? I mean you were going somewhere right? I was going to try decorating the workshop too, but that can wait.
[Gojyo could have head-desked if there had been a desk nearby. This was the one that thought kissing was gross. And he'd been on his way to a date that sounded promising.]
Fuck. I guess we're decorating a workshop. I think I hate this place.
[Tails smiled although still uncertain.]
Are you sure?
[Gojyo rests his head in his hands. There isn't a way he'd have any chance with the fox connected to him.]
Yes. Yes, fine. Just.. fine. Lead the way.
Okay. What's your name, Mister? Because I can't call you "Mister" all the time right?
[The fox started in the direction of a Christmas shop.]
Gojyo. It's Gojyo. And yours, fox?
[His voice is resigned but annoyed. He sincerely doubted his week could get much worse as he followed the fox.]
I'm Miles.
[He starts thinking on ways to cheer him up.]
What do you like Gojyo? I'd like to get you something for helping me decorate...I'm hoping Rinoa likes decorations.
Hi, Miles. Rinoa? I saw her last night. She's intere--
[Likely the kid wouldn't appreciate knowing anything about how Rinoa was now more interesting. He stopped.]
I like women, cigarettes, and booze. I figure you probably don't. Don't worry about it, though.
[Actually, Tails only really knew what one out of three were.]
Alright...well, I can cook or something then!
That will work, then, Miles.
[At least maybe he would eat well. Then it wouldn't be quite so bad.]