'Tango'? [She's not sure about that one yet.] I'm sure you're impressive, but I prefer reality to dreams.
Yep, pretty much. If you get lucky, you find canned fruit, hard candy, things like that. If not... you find tinned tomatoes. There's dried stuff and smoked stuff and a little bit of fresh stuff from what we make, find or grow ourselves though.
You'll do though.
We get supplies as we find them. No way out other than the Animus or scientists kicking us out. So.
[can't wait to see Kakashi's reaction to his shiny new nickname]
So we just... find shit. And that's what we get. Damn, this sucks.
Yep, pretty much. If you get lucky, you find canned fruit, hard candy, things like that. If not... you find tinned tomatoes. There's dried stuff and smoked stuff and a little bit of fresh stuff from what we make, find or grow ourselves though.
We're all sure we're not dead and in hell?
Fairly, given that we can kinda die here too. Besides, I think hell would be worse.
If we die here do we get to go home? Because damn, I could go for a really kinky death right now.
Nooope. You get to come back here. Apparently after paying a price of some kind. Though I'm not opposed to kink~
Price? I don't have any money. But I'm all for kink~
No, some other kind of cost. You lose something, like an ability or something. But it looks like we agree on the kink thing.
I don't want to die, then. I've got chains~
Yeah, me neither. Mmm, I prefer ropes, but those'll do.
I can go looking for ropes. It's cold as hell outside, but I need to grab more canned shit anyway.
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