I didn't know how to open up an entry, so I took a test I found from wyrm's LJ. ^_^ L.. <3
There isn't really much to talk about these days despite the fact that something unusual happens almost everyday. There are those rare, truly unusual things that don't happen very often though. Hey, it's not everyday you see an overturned boat on the road on the way to school! Heh heh... yeah. It saddened me yet I can't help but think that it was amusing in that at-someone-else's-expense sort of way. Meh, you really have to get creative with finding entertainment these days. Sometimes I just try to find ways out of this depressive rut. I'm not one for voicing out utter depression, but I guess sometimes it just gets to you and consumes most of your thoughts. I think I'm more bothered than depressed though. Why? I don't know. My day to day travels lead me contemplating on things I'd be better off not doing so.
I'm just basically irked. You know, those kinds of days where anywhere you turn, everything is negative. I'm inwardly annoyed at people, society, systems, and many other screwed up things. I look back and remember that little line sir cortel once said in philosophy class back in 3rd year high school which I scribbled in my notebook; "The classroom is a microcosm of society". The impact it has on me now is a lot larger in magnitude than it had been back then. Back in high school I overlooked the all shallowness and the bullshit youth had to offer because we were basically... 'young'. I didn't think all of that would still be present, or rather, amplified in college. Yes, we're still young, but when exactly is one old enough to outgrow his shallow mindsets? I get irritated everytime I think about why person A hates person B and how person A results to poisoning person B's image to gain allies for a pointless cause. I mean, with stupid issues like those, how can you see a bright future in society if that, in sir cortel's train of thought, is fundamentally a microcosm of it? Is this why such shit is just inherent in the entire societal system?
MY GOD I need rest.