bon nuit!

Aug 28, 2006 21:48

I had special time with Maman tonight. She was reading, and instead of running around the bedroom, I curled up next to her and got un massage. Then I curled up next to her shoulder and purred. Il était merveilleux!

I do not like being in the crate pour chiens. Il est très ennuyeux, even if Maman lets me come out to eat and exercise. Maman says that I must stay in the crate until the doctor gives the okay. She knows how I feel, because she is also recovering from an injury, and she is waiting for her doctor to give the okay for patinage artistique again. Secretly, I'm hoping she can't go for a while -- I managed to pull a pair of her skating tights out of the laundry and into the crate, and the tights are très divertissement to play with!

Would you like to see the person for whom I am named? Regarde! Et ici il est à la plage!
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