Mar 16, 2006 06:58
Alright, what asshole hacked into my page and made my LiveJournal all purple and lilac lookin' and shit? You guys know I'm a moron with technology, so I'm gonna be stuck lookin' at a lilac screen, which will make me question my sexuality, and then I will have sex with men, and Meg will hate me for it and kill me, so essentially I will DIE until and unless someone fesses up that they're the color coordinator for the hacked LiveJournal. Please go back and fix it to be all those manly, guy-like traditional blue colors...*tries to shake it off*. This'll be like in school when someone stealsd a calculator: "I don't even want to know who took it, as long as it's on my desk at 8:00 tomorrow morning." That sorta deal. Remember, my life is at stake.
P.S. I love gay people. And black people, too, moreso than white people. And gay black people are like whoa. Don't even ask me about gay black chinchillas.