Mar 11, 2006 02:01
Let me break it down for you:
Oneida jazz festival. The premier jazz festival for high school jazz groups in New York. AAA class. The most difficult (and large) class at that festival. Our jazz combo group: composed of 6 of the best players in the school, and started this year. Schenectady High School: an urban school that has been overlooked at the Oneida competition since we started going three years ago.
Let me break it down further:
A gold medal for our jazz band: we are the best high school jazz band in New York State. A gold medal for our combo: we are the best combo in New York State. And I won an All-Star award for piano in BOTH the combo and the jazz band, which I wouldn't have dreamt in my wildest dreams.
Holy shit. This is incredible. What a fucking awesome day we had, what fucking awesome groups we have, what fucking awesome musicians, performers, rebels, and bitches. We fucking RULED and were THE BEST OF THE BEST.
Gold, check. Another gold, check. All-Star award, check. Another All-Star award, check. Am I bragging right now? Check. Am I fucking ridiculously proud of my groups (notwithstanding all of their All-Stars, which is some ridiculous number)? Check. Am I probably going to regret tomorrow morning when I cease being so drunk off of our groups' success that I wrote such a blatantly arrogant, bragging, disbelieving, ridiculous entry, probably riddled with spelling and logic gaps and completely without any sense of public moderation? Check. Do I not care? Check. We rule. It is as simple as that.
We have the single best tenor sax and drum player in any high school in any country in the entire world, and I wish I could tell you that I'm exaggerating, but I'm not. It's a fact. We have the most passionate players, the funkiest grooves and the most confident, overwhelming and gutsy sound out there. We also have no money, no private lessons, shit instruments and very little time to rehearse. And we still manage to do that. I feel like we need a movie about us - we 'do more with less' than any high school that's ever crossed the Oneida stage.
WE GOT THE PASSION. And now we have the corresponding, glittery bling that goes along with its expression.
Schenectady High School jazz program...I love you.