8x10 unused canvas... who wants to have a painting for themselves?!

Jan 21, 2012 11:49

I had a curious idea - I purchased an 8x10 canvas a month ago thinking I would be using it for a piece of artwork of a seahorse for a family friend, but when it turned out that they wanted a drawing instead, the canvas has been left unwrapped and unloved.

I have never done anything like this before, but I was curious - would anyone be interested in an auction-style purchase concerning this canvas? If someone were to buy it, I would paint whatever they would like on it, as I would a commission. Of course, normal subject matter parameters apply (no pornography, etc.). Basically, though, I'd auction off the canvas and paint and send it to whoever won. With the auction setting, it is extremely likely that someone could get a quality acrylic painting for much cheaper a price than if they commissioned it themselves!

Would anyone be interested, or is there a better way of doing this? I really am low on inspiration right now, so creating something for someone else always helps.

I know I am a terrible salesperson, haha. XP

auction, canvas, painting, commission, art

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