(no subject)

Mar 21, 2009 12:11

Everywhere I've lived in Edinburgh!

First I lived here, in a castle. NOT REALLY!!! It was in Uni halls, in a shoebox with Alilloyd. The building I was actually paying rent for was puled down a year after I left, which I suppose is a bit strange, living in a place that isn;t there anymore.

Then we moved here, really effing close to where we'd been beofre, in a flat that was HUGE but had like no furniture at all apart from a broken chair and one of those bouncy Ikea chairs that cause you to rock back and forth like a comforted moron for hours.
Oh yeah, then we moved across the road for a summer, that was ridiculous. We had a boxroom that was three metres high, two wide and about five long with a dartboard at one end and several bed headboards arranged on thw wall to prevent damage to the wall.

Then we moved around the corner and lived in a flat that was brilliant but got steadily more rubbish as the owner glued several layers of wallboard to every surface in an effort to stop the whole place going up in flame. Agter Ali and I split up I slept in a loft bedroom where I banged my head on the coomb ceiling twice a day. Some would call that karma.

After that I moved down the road and lived here; that is the stencil of the turtle that I put to cover a horrible tag. We got burgled, there was piss and vomit on the stairwell a lot, but still I lived there with magical_tape for three years [?!] until El Ferd and I moved in together.

Ferd lives in that building over on the left there. The big bleacher thing is a thing they use for seating for the Edinburgh Tattoo, which is not as cool as you think it is from the name. Or, maybe it is? I've never been.

So that's it in a nutshell [my boss says 'in a nutshell' all the time, it makes me think of the Austin Powers bit]
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