i miss trin

Oct 20, 2005 18:39

falsificationist: are you present?

Auto response from emilynsara:
A Play in One Act:

sara: my pinkie finger is being molested by my engagement ring.
emily: go put that in your LJ right now.
sara: you could make it our away message.
(emily does so, then goes into the bedroom to molest her wife.)

emilynsara: I AM NOW
emilynsara: oops
falsificationist: do you know who Werner Heisenberg is?
emilynsara: quantum mechanics, right?
emilynsara: german
emilynsara: thats about it
emilynsara: as far as what i know about him
emilynsara: receding hairline
falsificationist: well, he has been one of my biggest inspirations
emilynsara: in hairstyles?
emilynsara: of course not
emilynsara: go ahead
emilynsara: i wish you were here so we could have some tea and talk about this
emilynsara: this will do
falsificationist: no joke. that would be ideal. but Heisenberg was the scientist in charge of the Nazi Bomb Program. he himself was responsible for thousands of jewish slave-laborers
emilynsara: i was just going to ask you about that; i know he willingly stayed in germany during the war
falsificationist: well, it seems that he was huge in the nazi party
falsificationist: hitler's favorite scientist
falsificationist: I feel so cheated on
emilynsara: oh shit, HES the heisenberg in the heisenberg uncertainty principle, isnt he?
falsificationist: I have read so much about him and never once about anything concerning the nazis
falsificationist: that is him
emilynsara: thats like my favorite physical law
falsificationist: mine too
emilynsara: im such a nerd, but it totally is
falsificationist: his work is so brilliant
emilynsara: what a fucking concept,
falsificationist: no joke. I have spent so much time working through his ideas and practically worshipping him
emilynsara: what a way to instill uncertainty in anyone alive
emilynsara: about the very possibility of certainity
emilynsara: you cant even really know where you are, let alone anything about being there
falsificationist: fundamental uncertainty existing at the very joints of reality
emilynsara: exactly
emilynsara: maybe its a poet thing, but i love the inherient possibilities it instills
falsificationist: einstein hated it
falsificationist: hated it more than anything else
emilynsara: its probably why i love derrida so much
emilynsara: haha
emilynsara: i bet he did
falsificationist: he died trying ot overcome it
emilynsara: i thought he died of syphillis
emilynsara: lol
falsificationist: haha
falsificationist: nietzsche
emilynsara: no, really, einstein died of vd too
emilynsara: i just read it
falsificationist: everyone gets syphillis
emilynsara: i know, christ
emilynsara: its the plague of the intellect, appearantly
falsificationist: iblame it on hookers
emilynsara: but of course, only someone who was getting paid for it would listen to these guys, i mean, theyre brilliant, but i bet they were boorish to the women in thie lives
emilynsara: consumed by their work and all
emilynsara: why did you bring up heisenberg?
falsificationist: it just maked me really sad that one of my idols can no longer be so
emilynsara: you just discoverd the nazi thing?
falsificationist: just last night
emilynsara: this brings up an interesting point
falsificationist: it makes sense that physics wouldn't tlak about it
falsificationist: people would discount his work without even looking at it if they knew he was a nazi
emilynsara: the issue of intellects, writers, scientists, philosophers, and thier personal beliefs
emilynsara: yeah
falsificationist: do you know who max von bron is?
emilynsara: how one reconciles their admoration with abboration
falsificationist: he was the leader of the NASA Apollo mission
emilynsara: and?
falsificationist: was employeed by the US after he was captured by the Allied troops while heading the Nazi Rocket research program
falsificationist: without him, there would never have been a US Space plan
falsificationist: he did everything
falsificationist: and was on the Nazi Most Wanted list
falsificationist: like two places below Hitler
emilynsara: so youre really defenestrating heisenberg?
falsificationist: throwing him out of a window?
falsificationist: oh shit
falsificationist: that was yesterday?
falsificationist: sorry
emilynsara: huh?
falsificationist: not for you
emilynsara: gotcha
falsificationist: anyway, so now I hate Heisenberg
emilynsara: but youre still going to study him, right>
emilynsara: thats what i meant when i said defenestrate
falsificationist: I have to, but no longer can I just see him as a great thinker...someone asked me my freshman year to name three people I would love to meet and he was on my list. I don't think I could say that anymore
emilynsara: an abdominal aneurysm, caused by syphillis, is what einstein died of
emilynsara: sure you could, just dont talk jew with him
falsificationist: it is just a respect thing, I think. I cannot respect anyone with views like that.
emilynsara: of course
emilynsara: i know how it can put a damper on things, though, it makes me wince how nonchalantly wallace stevens throws around the word nigger
falsificationist: ouch
falsificationist: no joke
emilynsara: youd be suprised
emilynsara: yeah
falsificationist: that one too
falsificationist: was he a racist?
emilynsara: well, i used to blame it on the time period, then i read that damn moody adams book
emilynsara: now i cant get around it
emilynsara: i dont know
falsificationist: that word is so unacceptable
emilynsara: again, its not exactly something people talk about when it comes to his work
emilynsara: "sure that stevens fellow, helluva poet, and man did he hate those coons"
falsificationist: hah
emilynsara: lol
falsificationist: what is new?
emilynsara: its interesting to get the oppressed side to it, like when scult wrote about heideigger, or toni morrison wrote an essay about how she loved stevens
emilynsara: nothing much, got a few new books im snooping around it
emilynsara: *in
falsificationist: scult freaks me out
emilynsara: no joke
falsificationist: when responding to a question about heidegger and nazism, he said "Well, everyone has their moods."
emilynsara: that is some fucking mood
emilynsara: 6 million dead is one helluva mood
falsificationist: it was such a downplay
falsificationist: I found it offensive
emilynsara: totally
emilynsara: to say the least
emilynsara: in fact
emilynsara: finding something offensive is a mood, genocide, on the other hand, is not
falsificationist: yeah, not so much
emilynsara: what have you been up to?
emilynsara: besides hero dissappointment
falsificationist: working on some calculus
falsificationist: trying to brush up
emilynsara: for fun?
emilynsara: for gre?
falsificationist: bit of both
emilynsara: at least you still have bohr
emilynsara: he came to the us, didnt he?
falsificationist: yup, along w/ Einie
falsificationist: he is my favorite anyways
falsificationist: fuck the germans
emilynsara: but after reading about the us in peoples history, i just dont know who the good guys are anymore, if they ever existed
falsificationist: only in your head
emilynsara: im beginning to realize that
emilynsara: for better or worse
emilynsara: go get your flu shots
falsificationist: are you getting one?
emilynsara: yeah
emilynsara: i usually dont, but this bird flu shit is scary, and it wont prevent against that, but it will help keep it from bonding with a human strain and making the jump
falsificationist: I usually dont
falsificationist: oh nice
emilynsara: not that i think im going to get the godamn bird flu (at least not this season) but i dont want to be the gaetan dougas of the avian flu
falsificationist: haha. quite understandable
emilynsara: (dougas is who the cdc refers to as patient zero, hes the guy who brought aids over to the us)
falsificationist: thats sweet
emilynsara: well, at least he didnt do it on purpose
emilynsara: he didnt know
emilynsara: at first
emilynsara: that is
emilynsara: then when he was sick he kept spreading it, but he didnt know it was communicable, he thought it was cancer, GRID was considered a form of cancer
falsificationist: it is still nice that they immortalized him like that
emilynsara: totally
emilynsara: i know
emilynsara: you are THE problem
emilynsara: of all time
emilynsara: sara has officially sactioned me on reading about the bird flu online
falsificationist: you are crazy. you probably have a map, timeline, and possible areas of high infestation
emilynsara: im scaring the shit out of myself, too many parallels between the plague, and worse, the 1918 flu outbreak
emilynsara: not with globalization
emilynsara: itll probably first be found in the us in godamn iowa, someplace in the middle of america
falsificationist: lets just keep our fingers crossed
emilynsara: we overdue for a big outbreak too
emilynsara: just so you know, lol
falsificationist: thanks
falsificationist: maybe just more wilmas
emilynsara: if i have to suffer it, someone has to suffer it with me
falsificationist: global warming, anyone?
emilynsara: actually, im not convinced it is that that is causing all these big fucking storms
emilynsara: i think its part of the cyclical nature of, well, nature
emilynsara: weve had many years of fairly tame hurricanes, overall, sans the occasional ivan
falsificationist: that thermodynamics book I read predicted all of this
emilynsara: for the most part weve been lucky
falsificationist: it is pretty nuts
emilynsara: yeah
emilynsara: so, i mean, i know global warming is bad, and i do believe our negative treatment of the earth is going to bite us in the ass, but i dont think that is what we are seeing right now
emilynsara: on this sort of scale, all at once
emilynsara: i think its the earths natural way of cleansling itself, unfortunately, black people are the ones bearing the brunt of it
emilynsara: like usual
falsificationist: it is really scary, regardless
emilynsara: i totally agree
falsificationist: indeed. as usual
emilynsara: i mean, not to go all caveman, but it is biblical in proportion
emilynsara: lets do a rundown of the list, shall we:
emilynsara: tsunami, katrina, rita, wilma, india earthquake, LA fires, bird flu
emilynsara: be it god or nature, someones trying to tell us something
emilynsara: and if thats the case, i take comfort in it
falsificationist: except for the fact that those the message is for are too fucking stupid to recognze any such pattern
falsificationist: dinnertime!!!
emilynsara: haha
emilynsara: nice
falsificationist: she is making me cook
emilynsara: tell amy i said hi
emilynsara: of course, watch your back
emilynsara: side
falsificationist: while she sits on the couch
emilynsara: tell her i need her to cook up some bird flu vaccine
emilynsara: it shouldnt take her long
emilynsara: shes smart
falsificationist: haha. I will tell her to fix up something
falsificationist: bye
emilynsara: had her finger in enough asses to know how to protect mine
emilynsara: bye
falsificationist: you are sick
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