Aug 05, 2005 03:38
Good morning, Sunshine!
Ok, so I can't sleep. This inability to sleep is making me find ways to not be bored. I'm going to write semi-long entry now, thanks.
Monday I went to Philadelphia. I was hanging out with my cousin Carl, when all of a sudden he's like "Wanna watch the Family Guy movie?" So I did. You didn't even know there was a family guy movie did you? Yep, that's right. My other cousin, Courtney, had a gigantic bar of chocolate. It was pretty much a two foot long Hershey's bar. Sweet. Then Carl got in an accident, so I stayed up til about 2:00 with my brother, mother, and aunt. I watched a show about coke, and decided that I hate pepsi. When it comes to advertising, does Coca-Cola ever say they're better than pepsi? No. Does Pepsi ever say they're better than Coca-Cola? Always. They annoy me. Plus, Pepsi isn't even that great, and they can't seem to come up with any original ideas. Carl comes home and is fine, so I fall asleep listening to The Format. Oh The Format, how I love you.
Tuesday comes, and we go to the Train Station and take the train to New York City. Train breaks down for about 20 minutes. It gets really hot. We get to NYC. We walk 25 blocks to the hotel. We then walk to the center of Central Park and back. We had gotten lost not because nobody knew where they were going, but because nobody would listen to me and I knew exactly where i was going. I take a nap, an angry nap. I wake up and we go eat dinner. My dad orders a Cappucino, I try it and then my dad tells me that it contains 6 extremely strong liquors. So I'm all "..." and I'm out of it the rest of the night, while my dad is totally wasted. That's always fun. Nah. Just Kidding.
Wednesday comes and I wake up and walk another 25 blocks to the Metropolitan Museum. So I walk around that for 3 hours looking at art and stuff. Egyptian art is lame. We were gonna take a Taxi back but my brother wanted to walk, so we walked 25 blocks back. Then we got back, I got some Starbucks, and we went to Times Square. We met Caitlyn at Bubba Gump's Shrimp Co. and had dinner. After dinner we went to Toys R Us. I must say, the Toys R Us in Times Square is the most amazing thing ever. They had a flippin ferris wheel in the middle of the store. They had a Candy Land section with $15 lollipops, so I bought one for Irene. We walked around the store, looking at all the sweet stuff they had there. When I can, I'm moving to NYC just to work at that Toys R Us. Don't discourage me, or I WILL kill you. Then we went back to the hotel and I slept.
Thursday I came home. Then I went out with Kyle, his french friend Yoen, and Irene. We went to Bowie Town Center where i bought clothes and food. Then we stopped by Jefe's house to say hi to everybody, plus I had to prove Amy wrong, cuz she thought I wouldn't come even though I promised. Unlike other people, I actually keep my promises. Then we went to Downtown Annapolis and watch a band play for a minute. Then we left and went to Kyle's house to dye my hair. Thursday was a fun day. I have awesome friends. I hate that Irene has to leave at the end of the month, but I WILL visit her in Boston one weekend.
My mom liked my hair.
I can't sleep.
I'm in love with Radiohead at the moment, especially the song 'Paranoid Android'.
NYC smells bad, but the people there are a lot nicer than I had thought.
My family never listens to me.
I don't know what I want to do with my life.
I missed the New Family Guy.
I will attempt that sleep thing again now.
Sweet dreams, my love.