Tweets for Today

Feb 19, 2009 17:05

  • 18:13 The Kittens of Boxville! #
  • 19:37 No line at Trader Joe's! Have I entered some bizarro dimension? #
  • 23:35 @ rickmarshall And a thematically relevant collection of Y at that. #
  • 11:36 Very late start today do to outside forces. #
  • 11:46 @ Agent_M I find the print version far more useful than can flip around and hem and haw over what to do. #
  • 14:59 Cut finger plus ruined earphones = worst day in a while! #
  • 14:59 @ Templesmith Cali has most fucked up state gov't and court system, by far. #
  • 15:00 Oh plus big bandage on finger means typing worse than evah. #
  • 15:01 @ BrianReed will this replace my beloved google notebook? #
  • 15:04 Spooky haunted building on 2nd Avenue: #
  • 16:04 @ BrianReed will this replace my beloved google notebook? #
  • 16:05 @ jasonaaron I think the Baker interview is one of the Great Moments in Comics #
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