Oct 04, 2004 15:39
here it is one of my only days off this week and you just have to love them... you make all kinds of plans for day off and then hell end up being out the night before late and hell sleeping until almost 4 in the afternoon... geez what a waste of a good day.. but hell maybe its just my body saying hold up.. you need to rest because i rarely do get any rest....
so i got to see my friend morgan and her two boys while she was in town this weekend and it was good... i miss my dani tho... the three of us man we were like pea soup or something growing up.. now the baby of the group ... ME.... is getting older and its funie.. we dont get much time together hell life goes on and we branch in our own ways.. but its never awkward when we get to see one another again.. i know you have to have had some friendships like that.. you run into someone you used to be sooo close with and its weird trying to hang out again... its not like that with the three of us and im soo glad cuz i love those sisters of mine like there is no tomorrow... maybe sometimes we forget to tell one another but hell thats life and you know what i think im making it a POINT in my life from now on to tell everyone that i care about remotely in some way shape or form that I LOVE THEM because lifes toooo damn short and shit goes unsaid and before you know it... damn you dont have the oppertunity to say it anymore...
well i need a shower then its homeworktime cuz i have class tonite damn...lol
i love you and miss you and oh yea
cristy :)