Who: Axel and Larxene.
What: Fightfightfight~~!!
When: Right now.
Where: The Roof.
Rating: PG to PG-13 and up.
Notes: Things are about to get UGLY. O:;
A chilling wind blew across the roof, as if an omen for what was to come. Leaning against the railing, Larxene glanced down: She could see nothing but an expanse of grey around the bar. A pleasing thought of throwing a certain redhead into that Mist warranted a malicious smirk to appear across her lips.
Straightening up, the blonde looked around, bored, as she waited for her opponent. Already, the air around her was being charged with electricity, the cracklings louder than usual in the frozen silence. Larxene clenched and unclenched her fists in anticipation, looking forward to getting payback at Axel for betraying them. Marluxia's plan was perfect, would have been perfect if not for him.
Revenge was going to be sweet...