(no subject)

Dec 06, 2005 20:19

gosh, a very simple meme! I might be able to do it!

1. My username is lebannen, because I like the name. This is despite the fact that the original Lebannen is a fictional character who is male, and I am not. (well, not male anyway. I sometimes doubt my own relationship with reality, but not terribly seriously). Some people may believe that the name has some sekrit connection with my real name, and are welcome to continue doing so if they so desire. The surname 'Luitreath' was completely made up (using James Lovelock's method of getting a name for his company; take something obscure, and mis-spell it), and never used to get any hits on google. Now it gets two, and oh look, they're both me. This has possibly scuppered my chances of ever calling a company 'Luitreath Ltd' and not having any connection with my lj-identity. I can live with this.

2. My journal is titled 'Stuff and nonsense', because some of it is stuff and some of it is nonsense. Some of it is also nonsensical stuff; you could draw a Venn diagram of it if you were bored enough.

3. The journal's subtitle is, uh, [goes off to c&p it] '(but probably more of the latter)', which should be pretty self-explanatory in the context of the title.

4. My friends page is called 'Romance and knitting', which is a Good Omens reference that seemed amusing at the time. I don't change these things very often, and have yet to think of a better title anyway.

5. My default userpic is my new hat what I made in needlepoint. I think I already explained about it. It is also as close as I'm getting to something seasonal this year, being all colourful and whatnot.

... and if it's so simple how come this is the second third edit? Oh yes, that'd be because I clearly can't type today. Le sigh. *headdesk*

memeage, me me me

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