Of names, identities, and so on.

Dec 12, 2015 01:10

I use this name in a few different places. I have another one somewhere else, and a third in person. Here, I prefer to be Lebannen, even if you do know one or both of the others. If you want to know why, ask and I'll try to explain it to you.

This place is, for me, mainly about the porn and chocolate. It contains links, references, etc to material which some people may find offensive, or at least surprising. If you're under eighteen, please don't look too closely, as there is bound to be something you shouldn't get caught looking at - but then, this is Livejournal, what did you expect?

If you are someone who knows me elsewhere, under this name or avatar, or if you think you know me in person, it would be great if you'd leave a note to say hi - anonymous comments are possible if you don't have a livejournal or don't want me to know your LJ name, and all comments will be screened so that no-one else can see them.
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