(no subject)

Jan 18, 2006 17:48

Players: Bailie, Ginella.
Synopsis: The two girls have a falling out - over who does how much work, and that horrid husband-to-be of Bailie's.
Time: Month 2, turn 1 of the 7th Pass.

Road to High Reaches Weyr

The road to High Reaches Weyr passes into a tunnel that is tall and wide enough to accommodate tithe wagons driven two abreast. Glowbaskets are stationed at regular intervals along the smooth rock of the walls, keeping the darkness at bay. Near the exit to the bowl, a narrow tunnel branches off. This side tunnel leads up to the Weyr's lower caverns and is suitable only for foot traffic.

Outside the weyr - that is, just through the weyr tunnel - a pretty bundle of jacket-scarf-and-stockings is settled upon a rock, tapping one stiletto boot on the ground in a slow, even rhythm. Rukbat is just setting, so the timing is right... perhaps that darned boy didn't deliver the note right? Bailie is starting to wonder, worry creeping into the knit of her brows.

Ginella finally appears, trudging out from the bowl with her arms crossed tight across her chest for warmth, and books tucked in there are well. "Hey, Bailie," she says, not bothering to cover a yawn. "What's going on? I got a note?"

Finally! The Fortian doesn't move from her spot, but flashes Ginella a standard smile. "Oh, you know, the usual. History class was boring, lunch was the same as yesterday... I'm betrothed to Sefton..." Bailie attempts to keep her tone dulled, though there's a pregnant pause as she waits for the goldrider's reaction to her news.

Ginella nods along with Bailie's litany, shaking her head when the Fortian is done. "And so what, exactly, required a secret meeting in a dark tunnel?" she asks, glancing over her shoulder, "I have things to do, and I'm starving."

Bailie's brows knit again, and the girl frowns. "Well, I'm meant to keep it a secret, but I thought I'd let my -best friend- know, y'know... jays, sorry to keep you from important things, and food." Sarcastically apologetic, it is easy to see Bailie is fed up. Under her breath are things muttered about overeating and nerdy, in that order and meant for herself. "What's -with- you lately?"

Ginella frowns in confusion and shakes her head at Bailie. "Tell me what? That history is boring?" She throws up a hand. "I don't know what you want from me here, Bailie." She frowns more darkly at the muttering and shakes her head. "I have a lot on my mind, alright? I don't want to talk about it. If your news was whatever you just said about Sefton, that's great, but I thought you knew you were getting married to him for a while now?"

"I knew he'd asked my father, not that it was official. Which it will be, tomorrow," Bailie snarks back, folding her own arms defensively. "Anyway, whatever. If passing classes is more important, don't let me keep you. Faranth forbid you take a moment away from study to tell me why you're avoiding me lately!" With a hiss, Bailie's tosses a hand the way Ginella did previously, and pushes up from her seat.

"Oh," Ginella replies, "I thought it was official. Well, that's good news. You must be excited. Congratulations." She manages to sound moderately enthusiastic and pleased about it, at least, though she quickly drops that when Bailie starts snarking again. "You know, some of us /need/ these grades. I'm not just here for fun, and I don't have the advantage of rank and connections and a tutor and an instructor for a future husband to help me skate on through no problem. You have no idea how hard I work."

Her weight unusually balanced on one foot, Bailie foists a skeptical look upon Ginella. "Of -course-. How could I have any idea? I mean, that I need all the extra help I get to get grades that are -still- below the ones you manage to pull off on your own, must mean I don't have -any- idea of what work is." Her arms are folded again, and Bailie is most definitely frowning now. "Thank-you." For the congratulations, presumeably.

Ginella rolls her eyes. "I get good grades because the rest of my life /depends/ on me getting good grades. If I fail one of Sefton's assignments, you know what's going to happen? I'm going to be filing records for the rest of my life and getting laughed at by the entire extended Benden region and anyone else who hears about it. I'll be a cautionary tale for young goldriders. 'Watch out, you might end up like Ginella from Benden!'. You /don't/ understand, Bailie. It does not matter if you fail every class, you will still have your perfect clothes and your perfect hair and your perfect husband and your Blood and your Hold and everything."

Bailie listens, while Ginella rants. Her frown creases further, causing dimples in her perfect cheeks to show, but her jaw finally gapes open at the goldrider's last. "I can't believe you said that!" Disbelief, mixed with offense, mixed with horror. "Aside from the fact that I spend a -sight- more time on my hair than anyone I know-" It is true, she is the shallowest creature to ever have lived! "-I can't believe that a weyrwoman is is telling me that I've got everything made. The most I'll ever be is a pretty trophy wife, Ginella, I'm not that deluded. At least all your hard work might make a difference somewhere along the line."

Ginella just laughs and shakes her head. "See? Your /hair/ is the first part of that you feel like refuting, and you want me to believe you know what working hard is actually about? You're going to be a trophy wife because you /act/ like a trophy wife. If you wanted to be more than that you'd stop spending so much time on your hair and your giggling little posse and more time learning the things that will make your precious Sefton choose to listen to you. You could do that if you wanted, but you'd rather just say hard work isn't going to get you anywhere and not bother."
[Public] Anaddui nodnods "I'll leave you to it then" :)

Bailie looks stricken, her arms having dropped to her sides, and her jaw again gaping open. She stands for a good few seconds, breathing deeply, until she realises her posture and corrects it by snapping her jaw shut and clasping her hands tightly together. "-You-... you have -no- idea. So just... just -shutup-, Ginella!"

Ginella crosses her arms against her chest again. "Fine," she replies tightly, red-faced and visibly upset and angry. "I'm sorry I ruined you getting to tell me you're marrying that prick. I hope he's nicer to you than he is to everyone else, at least."

Bailie's jaw drop yet -again-!! "You know what, he -is- nicer to me than he is to you. Probably because I have a backbone, and some sort of social skills." So hah! Her hands come to rest on her hips defiantly, but Bailie fights the urge to stick her tongue out.

Ginella turns red and tries not to let her jaw drop like Bailie's, glaring at the other girl instead. "Or maybe it's because..." She falters and can't seem to come up with anything, which only causes her to be more mortified, naturally. Finally she just glares viciously and turns and runs away. Yea, that's right. Runs.

Well. Bailie=1, Ginella=0. Or something.

Or Bailie=-5, Ginella=-5.5, seems more like it.
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