Tag, You're It! (LFW-#18)

Jul 01, 2006 13:25

Prompt: #18 - Play
Word Count: 363
Rating: PG

x-posted to libraryofwinds


A target-lock warning interrupted Leawyn’s pleasure flight.

"What the...?" She scanned her sensors and frowned. "Derek, what in blazes...?"

"Heya, Wyn! How's your fuel?"

"Full. Why?"

"Tag! You're it!"

Leawyn shook her head and chuckled. She banked to port and dropped in behind Derek.

"Same game, Der? Definite targeting solution wins?"

"You got it. Solution locked for five seconds to simulate a fired shot."

"Well, you must be deaf, then, because you have two-point-five seconds to..."

"Gah!" Leawyn watched in amusement as Derek banked starboard and angled for the clouds, above her line of fire. Leawyn's HUD went abruptly silent as he broke the lock she had on him.

She didn't give him time to breath a sigh of relief, as she followed him up through the pockets of vapour and gained another lock. Derek's S-16 jinked and the lock was broken.

"Sneaky, Brock. Real sneaky."

Leawyn laughed. "You're getting sloppy, Masterson. I'm disappointed in you."

"Many apologies, oh Fearless Leader. Let's see you contend with this!"

Leawyn blinked as Derek's fighter disappeared into the clouds. She pulled back on the stick and rose through the fluff. She glanced out the canopy, looking for the telltale glint of sunlight on metal.

She banked starboard, the sweeping turn giving her a better view...

...And a rather insistent target-lock warning. She cut her throttle and dropped the S-16 back into the clouds, breaking Derek's lock on her.

In and out, up and around, both fighters weaved through the sky, each trying to gain the upper hand, and each failing. Finally, as Leawyn brought her S-16 around to double-back, she couldn't believe the sound that met her: once she was leveled out her target-lock warning began to sing. No matter how she tried to shake it the noise began to pick up tempo until, five seconds later, it was a solid tone.

Derek's triumphant yell accompanied his S-16 as he over-shot his dumbfounded Commander.

"Woo hoo! I can't believe I just took out the great Leawyn Brock!"

Leawyn smiled. She was glad that Derek, now the only pilot to best her in this game, was on her squadron.

"Believe it, Masterson. I'll get you next time!"

library of winds, leawyn, derek

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