just a little meme

May 23, 2011 17:23

I should be working on my sheet for my french exam tomorrow but I'm just not in the mood right now so anyway..saw this meme and decided to do it...Snagged it from madmaewest


Birthday: September 15

Birthplace: Province of Quebec, near Montreal..

Current Location: Same place that I was born ^^

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Height: 5' 2"

Right Handed or Left Handed: Right handed

Your Heritage: don't get it ^^

The Shoes You Wore Today: didn't wore any cause I didn't leave the house ^^

Your Weakness: juice...I'm obsessed with juice. I must have my daily glass of juice or I go crazy ^^

Your Fears: um...I have lots but I think my biggest is that my mom will die..which I know is really stupid cause she will die one day, I know that, but we're really close (cause of problems I have I never been someone who really go out and stuff so my mom, as stupid as this probably will sound to most of you, is like one of my friend for me ^^) just I don't know...I have the feeling she's the only one who really get what I'm going through...and is always there and always been there for me in the last year and a half when I was at my worst and I don't know...I just keep thinking that if she dies...I don't think I could take it...I'm barely surviving now...just...I don't know...So yeah.. I know I'm crazy ^^ seeing someone for that loll.

Your Perfect Pizza: only cheese (not too much cause I don't really like cheese) and not too much tomato sauce either but lots of crust ^^

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Um...I'd like to pass all my classes...so crossing my fingers that I'll pass philo...that's the one I'm worried about. I finally achieved one that I'm proud of (for once in my life ^^) but other than that I'd really like to get over my social phobia...I did a lot of great work this year at school, but it still really hard to be around people. (probably due to my lack of self esteem so maybe work on that this summer ^^)

Your Most Overused Phrase On Instant Messenger: probably "lol ^^ " ok it's not a phrase but whatever ^^

Thoughts First Waking Up: "yay we'll have time to watch LOST" cause my mom told me yesterday that she had to go with my grandma today so we woudln't be able to watch the finale of LOST season 4 this morning but since my dog woke me up at 7:30 we were able to watch it before she left ^^ yeah I know I have a really passionnate life ^^

Your Best Physical Feature: don't have any? um...I don't know...my hair.. I like my hair ^^ it's pretty much the only thing I like..oh my eyes too.

Your Bedtime: Depends of the days...and if I have classes the day after and what I'm doing that night...it can be from 9:30 to 3:30/4am...

Your Most Missed Memory: um...I don't know...probably memories of my grand father, it's been a while since he died and for so long I've tried not to think about him and memories and stuff, to keep my emotions inside that it's getting harder to remember now...

Pepsi or Coke: None. don't drink sodas

McDonalds or Burger King: Mcdo

Single or Group Dates: don't really go out...

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: none

Chocolate or Vanilla: both for ice cream ^^

Cappuccino or Coffee: don't like either.

Do you Smoke: No.

Do you Swear: not really

Do you Sing: Yes ^^

Do you Shower Daily: Yeah

Have you Been in Love: nope

Do you want to go to College: I am right now

Do you want to get Married: Nope

Do you believe in yourself: not really

Do you get Motion Sickness: yes

Do you think you are Attractive: nope...

Are you a Health Freak: no

Do you get along with your Parents: Yes.

Do you like Thunderstorms: no, I'm scared of them ^^

Do you play an Instrument: No

In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: no cause I'm on meds

In the past month have you Smoked: No.

In the past month have you been on Drugs: No

In the past month have you gone on a Date: No

In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yes

In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Not a box but I've eaten 3 single cookies ^^

In the past month have you eaten Sushi: No, I don't like Sushi.

In the past month have you been on Stage: No.

In the past month have you been Dumped: No

In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: No.

In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No.

Ever been Drunk: Yes.

Ever been called a Tease: No

Ever been Beaten up: No.

Ever Shoplifted: No.

How do you want to Die: While I'm sleeping ^^

What do you want to be when you Grow Up:  Graphic Designer (I feel stupid writing that when you compare what I do with other people ^^ but that's what I'm currently studying and what I'd like to do)

What country would you most like to Visit: New York again but more this time (going next summer *happy dance* :D) and Los Angeles

Number of Drugs I have taken: Never taken any

Number of CDs I own: don't know..a lot

Number of Piercings: only my ears.

Number of Tattoos: Only one on my foot

Number of things in my Past I Regret: um...a lot..

In a Boy/Girl
Favorite Eye Color: brown.

Favorite Hair Color: Brown.

Short or Long Hair: I like both...

Height: Tall.

Weight: I don't care.

Best Clothing Style: don't really care.


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