another meme!

Mar 12, 2011 09:09

I got tagged by vamplover85

1. People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.

2. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
gonna tag 8 ppl for both memes and they can pics which one they will do it

I don't ( Read more... )

!meme, !random

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I love memes! way_to_the_end March 12 2011, 20:06:19 UTC
1. What near you is red? telephone
What near you is orange? a plastic bag
What near you is yellow? a post-it
What near you is green? plastic flowers
What near you is blue? headphones
What near you is indigo? Nothing
What near you is violet? nothing

2. Where do you live?

3. Where were you born? (city, state)

4. What are the first three bands/singers on your Mp3/Ipod?
Greem Day/Katy Perry/Marianas Trench

5. If you were a song, what would it be?
"Welcome to My Life" by Simple Plan

6. What is your favorite movie?
Almost Famous

7. Name four of your favorite Actors:
Ben Affleck

7a. Name four of your favorite Actresses:
Sandra Bullock

8. What Supernatural Good Character are you?
Oh I don't know... mmm... maybe Lisa.

9. What Supernatural Bad Character are you?

10. What color is your hair?

11. What color are your eyes?

12. Do you have any body piercing or tattoos?

13. What was your favorite class in High school?
I hated high school, it was like hell for me so I don't know, I try to block stuff related to it...

14. If you were to give money to charity which one would it be?
Red Cross

15. Are you philosophical?
Don't think so

16. Are you a daydreamer?

17. Do you own a car?

18. Do you have a cell phone?
Yes but I never use it.

19. Have you ever made a wish on a falling star?

20. Do you collect anything?

21. What is your favorite book?
"The Catcher in the Rye" by J. D. Salinger

22. What is your favorite LJ story?
I don't a favourite one. I read a lot.

23. Who are your favorite LJ authors? (name at least two)
don't know...

24. Who is/are your favorite published author(s)?
J. K. Rowling, J. D. Salinger

25. If you could re-name yourself what would it be?
I don't know. Sometimes I like my name and sometimes no so I never gave it some thought.

26. Have you ever been told that you look like someone famous? If yes, who?
My best friend used to told me I looked like Katy Holmes. I'm not sure I've ever believed it but.


Re: I love memes! leavingubehind March 13 2011, 12:54:26 UTC
oh Marianas Trench <3
oh that's nice collecting hat. How many do you have? I'm curious, I'm obsessed with hat, especially on guys ^^


Re: I love memes! way_to_the_end March 13 2011, 16:42:05 UTC
I love Marianas Trench *_* They music and lyrics are amazing.

About 30 now, in various shape and form. I started when I started watching Gossip Girl because I loved Blair's hats :D


Re: I love memes! way_to_the_end March 13 2011, 16:42:49 UTC
Ooops I meant "shape and colors"


Re: I love memes! leavingubehind March 13 2011, 19:24:56 UTC
ah that's so cool.


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