little meme!

Oct 18, 2010 09:59

Snagged this from madmaewest

1. Name: Sophie
2. Age: 21
3. Will you answer all questions truthfully: Yes
4. You may start: Ok
5. Are you single: Yes
6. Are you happy: I guess
7. Are you bored: a little ^^ but I have a lot stuff to do, just don't know where to start
8. Are you sad: a little
9. Are you Italian: No
10. Are you German: No
11. Are you Asian: No
12. Are you angry: No
13. Are you Irish: No
14. Are your parents still married: Yes

15. Birth Place: Quebec, Canada
16. Hair Color: naturally brown but right now they're black
17. Eye color: brown
18. Birthday: September 15
19. Mood: stressed
20. Gender: Female
21. Lefty or Righty: Righty
22. Summer or Winter: winter
23. Morning or Afternoon: Morning

24. Are you in love: Nope
25. Do you believe in love at first sight: No
26. Who ended your last relationship:  Never had one...
27. Have you ever been hurt: No
28. Have you ever broken someone’s heart: No
29. Are you friends with your ex: No
30. Are you afraid of commitment: No
31. Have you hugged someone within the last week?: No
32. Have you ever had a secret admirer: Nope
33. Have you ever broken your own heart?: No

34. Love or Lust: Love
35. Lemonade or Iced tea: none
36. Cats or Dogs: love both
37. A few best friends or many regular friends: A few best friends
38. Television or Internet: television
39. Pepsi or Coke: None
40. Wild night out or romantic night in: don't know...if I had a boyfriend probably romantic night in
41. Pink or Purple: Purple
42. Day or Night: Day
43. IM or Phone: IM

44. Been caught sneaking out: No
45. Fallen off the stairs: Yes, a lot
46. White water rafted: No
47. Finished an entire jawbreaker: Yes I think
48. Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?: Yes
49. Prank called a store: No
50. Skipped School: yes, way too much
51. Wanted to disappear: Yes, often lately

52. Last Phone Call: my grand-mother
53. Last phone call you received: my grandfather
54. Last person you hung out with: my best friend
55. Last person you hugged: don't cousin I think
56. Last person you IM'ed: My friend Nick
57. Last thing you ate: a bagel
58. Last thing you drank: apple juice
59. Last site you went to:
60. Last place you were: kitchen


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