Mar 31, 2008 20:44
Today I was doing my research for financial aid for next year, because UT is trying to fuck my mom over again, so I have to see what else I can find. So I found some stuff which was pretty cool, but its SO GOD DAMN MUCH MONEY to borrow money. It's making transferring look virtually impossible, which has put me in a bad mood all day. No matter what, if I transfer, I am going to be bankrupt next year with no one to help me out. Not like it matters though, clearly UIC has made me no priority on their entries list. I applied just shy of 3 months ago and still have not heard anything, other than that they got my application. I emailed them tonight. I am getting impatient, and if they were to accept me I need to start thinking long and hard IMMEDIATELY.
The thought of 2 more years of long distance is miserable. This is day 3 apart and I can't stand it. 2 more years is a long, long fucking time. Miserably long.
Thank you for listening.