Jan 22, 2007 18:00
Last night I went to see Nick and while I was there his dad had a heart attack, again. It was weird becuase I had talked to him (Larry) while I was walking in, not long before Lynn started screaming, about why he was shoveling leaves at almost midnight in the snow. He told me it was becuase he had an ill-abled son, suggesting that he was out there becuase Nick wouldn't do it. Ambulances really are a lot more omnious in real life, at night, lights flashing in the snow.
I don't think Nick and I will talk again for a very, very long time.
Thank goodness for people like Marlaina and Pat.
I have a wound on my finger from packing a quart yesterday. I hit it on the side of the container and a chunk of skin came loose. It bled a lot, but I don't think the guy noticed. Today the skin came off of it, and its a terrible dirty wound. I have no neosporin, or hydrogen peroxide. I wish I did. I used my last real bandaid on it and it stings.
Last night I had a dream that I was in California, I think I was living there. I was learning to surf in a busy place, where people were walking back and forth shopping. I was with a friend, i am pretty sure it was Marlaina, and some other girl. We were out in the sun and the water was a greenish blue. We had to go somewhere, so we were in my dads van in our bathing suits and Sam and some other guy were there. The girl I didn't recognize had left. We were in a hotel changing, and when we left we were in like, elegant nightware (boys in tuxedos, myself in a glittery navy blue evening gown, and marlaina in a black one), and on a boat going down a river. We were trying to go to The Docks for dinner but all of the restaurants were closed. There were a lot of people there, trying to pass for some event that was going on. We had to sit on this thing to pass over the drawbridge, where we went totally sideways and it was like a scarey ferris wheel ride where we weren't strapped in. After that, the dream was a blur, except that I know in part of it we were at my cottage with my dad and Tammy.
I want to move to where it's always summer. Arroyo Grande, to be exact.
No actor or actress in Hollywood fluctuates their weight more than Raven, from That's So Raven. For some reason, I love that show. Raven annoys the piss out of me but the way she fluctuates her voice and her conceitedness really amuses me sometimes. It's also a very colorful show.
Today my eyes were too swollen to wake up, so I slept until 2. I skipped all of my classes. I gathered my belongings and came up to school, where I have been sitting on my computer ever since, doing nothing but talking to Scott and being mopey. I really need to knock it off. I have a lot of homework to do and absolutely no motivation to do it. I want to call Marlaina but she starts school tomorrow, and her mom is there. I will call later when I have something to talk about that she might be interested in. Monique isn't here, she's probably at work. I feel bad that I leave her alone all the time, but I hate living here.
I hate everything about 2007 so far.