Oct 16, 2007 22:20
Julie has been putting up old journal entries...i actually found ones from high school so here are a few lame ones..
First things first: my name was "Hope is for Losers"
quick note on my name. It is a quote from dark angel which in its entirety says: Hope is for losers. Its a con job people trip behind until they finally get a grip on the cold hard truth. When I was in high school, i felt i was bad ass I guess, I wanted to be just like Dark Angel, have a boyfriend who drove an Aztec, ride a Ninja 350 or whatever, I also wanted to get a bar code on the back of my neck.....how retarded ha.
Subject: Oh my
Time: 6:51 am.
Mood: aggravated.
Music: i could fall in love - selena.
Well I'm wide awake waiting for the bus, and i get this call from my aunt sayig "oh Justin's sick i will drop your geometry book off at the front desk"(justin borrowed my book yesterday and was going to give it to me to day. And then my mom is asking me 100 questions about it, what sickness does he have, i hope u dont get his germs, like i give a crap. i mean come on here i am eating my ketch up bread when i am allergic to yeast, i really could care less about my allergeies.
Why am I even up this early online. I should be getting ready tog et on the bus or something.
Janruary 29, 2002
Subject: Well today is almost over
Time: 6:38 pm.
Mood: devious.
Music: Missyelliot - hot boyz.
well today sucked kinda..... ok it started with mrs.reagen, i walk in and hand her the green slip thing, and she goes"u seem like you miss alot of my class, you should try nt to miss so much" an i am like "what the f***!, i was sick all day, i didnt skip your damn class." So then we had a quiz today on some stories, and i go to mrs.reagen...i can take the test today i studied. she goes no u can take it tomorrow, and then she makes this new rule that if ppl get sick or skip class the day of the reveiw then they have to take the test the next day. Watever. well then ialmost fell asleep in religion wit Marfeka(zzzzzzz). And then i went to Mrs.i pull equations out of my ass Regula. i decided not to even take notes cuz it wouldnt help either way. and well history was ok we just took notes. and then lunch time oh joy. Making preztels is sooo muh fun! yeah, right. but lunch was better than the morning and it made me happy. but then i went to(as leah calls her) the Slavedrivers class. I could hear the crack of the whip as she made us write more spanish she it, and she is like lets have a quiz tomorrow, and im like go to hell. and the rs of the day was boring except band cuz me spock, rose, julie and shanna were in a practice room making fun of ashley it was funny. Play practice was ok. but then i had to go my aunts, but i got to see my new cusin jackie for the first time, she is soooo cue, and mary doesnt get all the anntention hahahahaha!!!!! ifeel so evil. well i woder what tomorrow will bring and i agree with matt, i think i should watch moulin touge again, such a great movie. And dark angel is on friday at 9!!! Max kicks ass, logan and eric are fine!!!! and max nd logan get to kiss a major plus!!! well gotta blaze ttyl.
What a horrible typer, and I still cant do it. I remeber all those classes haha especially regula's. I seem to be an evil cousin too, i mean at the time mary was like 4 and now she doesnt get all the attention....what a whore i was.
Friday, February 1st, 2002
Subject: Im just sitting here
Time: 12:32 pm.
Mood: ecstatic.
Music: the humm of the pc.
well i am sitting in the school library and writing in here. so today was pretty good, had 4 tests but they went pretty well. i had a good lunch which consisted of a pepsi and chips yummy! and i have piano lesson today 330 to 430. sounds like fun, yeah right. but in paragraph writing i told an interesting story to the class, it was about a camping trip to rays town with my friend caitlin, my parents and my dog(vette). well my dad rented this boat, and it was really hot that day so we were going to go fishing. well we were out on the boat for about 20 minutes(vette was there too)and it started to thunder and ligthening ......then big hail balls came falling from the sky. my mom, caitlin and i wanted my dad to dock but he wouldnt..he sat there drinking his beer and said,"i paid for this and we are going to get our money's worth!" my poor vette looked like a drenched rat for awhile, but we tried to dry him, with some towels. the next we noticed was this house bout next to use started to sink. the tents on the beach were blowing away it was scary. well then the hail stopped and we fished and then went to dock the boat. later that evening my parents wanted me and caitlin to go on another boat that wings and beer, and well since there was a thunderstorm warning me and caitlin said no. so they went and me and caitlin and vette went in the of the pick-up truck, lucky for us it had a roof, so we said there til the rain stopped. great story uh?? yeah right whatever. well im going tonite and i need bumpers cuz i bowl like she it........and poor dave got beat by the harp girl,last time he went bowling!!! hehehehe, sry dave that was funny and i had to put it there.
well i gotta blaze ttyl!!!!
Comments: dare to disagree.
Whay must I say shit like "she it"? How retard. I will never forget that day on the lake hahah
Monday, February 25th, 2002
Subject: Your my only hope
Time: 9:58 pm.
Mood: confused.
Music: only hope - a walk to remember.
Im very confused....there is this guy and sometimes he acts like he likes me more then a friend and then at times he likes me just as a friend, and im kinda confused cuz i dont know what to do and i just dont want to ask him do you like me cuz i would feel weird. but then there is this other guy who is all over me all the time and asks me if i want to make out with him and i am like no way...cuz i dont like him like that and plus we arent even dating and i just dont go and make out with ppl. but im scared what if i am starting to like the guy that is all over me and i am losing interest in the other guy, who i will admit who is much sweeter and nicer. i dont want t lose interest in this guy just cuz i am getting more attention from the other guy, God help me please i dunno what to do.
This song is dedicated to the much nicer and sweeter guy:
The song was Only Hope...eck. At least in high school my boyfriends seemed liveable with or not crazy.....eh however, after i wrote this some made this comment: "how is any guy supposed to know your not like that? you dress and throw your self around like you are?!?! besides dont you think your makin this situation all about you, contrary to popular belief what if these guys have thoughts feelings or opinions too?"
Wow doesnt that make you feel like a high school whore or what.
My journal respone to the psoter:
Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
Subject: oh my
Time: 3:15 pm.
Mood: awake.
Music: cry - mandy moore.
Allright that last entry i had....whoever posted a comment and didnt say who they were should have least said who they were,, maybe they dont have to courage to or something but what i dont seem to know what people's opinions are. but i do care about there opinions and i must know you because you seem to know how i dress. well i dont dress like a slut, i enjoy jeans and a kool t-shirt or something, and i dont throw myself on guys, and i wear make up which i believe is nothing wrong most girls wear make up. but i do care bout other ppls opinions but this is my journal not theirs if they want to post there opinions then they can get there own journal or something. i mean i dont know what else to say, and i dont want to start an agrument but whoever you are if i made you mad i am sorry and i hope you can forgive me.
Why do i always have to say im sorry for eveything, even i f i didnt do it?
Sunday, March 31st, 2002
Subject: Listen,Red light, yellow light, green light........
Time: 7:14 pm.
Mood: blah.
Music: Def Leopard - Pour some sugar on me.
.....GO!!Crazy little woman in a one man show.~Def leopard, Pour some sugar on me.
Hey its been awhile, since i've last written. Not much has happened but i got brocithis(cant spell it),but i feel a lot better than yesterday. i got the Coyote Ugly DVD for easter, and I watched that 2day. I luv that movie it makes want to become a bartender, just so i can spin alcoholic beverages around hehe, easter was ok i got to sit in the car while my parents went to visit relatives, i didnt want to get anyone sick. yeah well i gotta blaze, cya lata.
I got to sit in the car? Why didnt they just leave me at home? Weird.
Thats all for now...