OT - Titling

Sep 06, 2006 17:05

So, someone wrote and asked me if I care about titles. Of fic. And I thought I'd answer for the whole class. Of course it's not a simple answer:

Yes. If I don't know you or am not familiar with your fic, titles can make a huge difference. For example, I'm really not likely to take a chance on an 'Untitled' fic from someone I don't know, but if it's something thoughtful and well-written I'm definitely more likely to give it a shot. I HATE titling my own work, but it's so frickin' important. It really is the first line of your fic and it has to sell it. So, if you want to get read, give it as much effort as you do the rest of your fic. Of course, I realize that we can't all be quasiradiant or omiceti, but I'm trying.

No. If you're a writer I'm familiar with and have recced before, odds are good that I'm gonna read your untitled [insert crack!fandom here] fic no matter how much GEO reading I have to do tonight. Also, when I'm bored, I'll click through to just about anything.

Does that answer your question?

See, mantaraggio, I'm still here. *g* Also, are you gonna share your Courtney Love mp3s, or should I put them up and give you teh huge props?


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