Reccing fic without giving props to the writers makes me very uneasy. Possibly even queasy, so I held off as long as I could but...the fic!!! There is SO much fic to read and so little time, so I'm just reccing a few and yes, it's a total grab bag. If yours isn't listed it's probably because...have you seen how much fic there is?!?! All fics are from
yuletide and
secret_slasha Grey's Anatomy -
Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla Mature, PWP, Cristina/Izzie/Meredith. Ah yes. what's better for depression than chocolate? A hot threesome with your rivals/friends.
There Is No Revolution Without Boots And Song, Mature, Buffy/Faith. Post S7. Told out of sequence, this is a fantastic look at F/B as they try to cope with being two of many slayers. Still hunting vamps, still hot for each other and unable to cope. Plus, Andrew. And not in a sexual way.
Deadline, Mature, Lilah/Jenny Calendar. This is sheer brilliance. Well-written, perfect characterization and story and.. have I mentioned I.LOVE this fic?! Especially since it's frickin' Lilah/Jenny!!! And the anonymous writer made me a believer. Fun fact about Hell...
A Wrinkle In Timeverse -
On Black Holes, Miracles, Singularities, and Nothingness., Charles Wallace, gen. No. This isn't femslash, but it is absolutely beautiful and true. and if you grew up reading A Wrinkle In Time and A Wind in the Door until your copies literally fell apart, you'll understand.
More holiday recs soon...
Also, if you seen your fic in the list and want props for your mad skillz, comment and let me know!