Okay, so I'm hooked on the whole debate and
What Makes Female Characters Interesting? had me writing out my own list of fav female characters when I realized that my fic reading has seriously altered my view of these canon characters. Femslash fills out and spackles the enormous cracks and fissures in these women. So I can't really say which characters I love anymore because femslash has made even the most 2D characters into full-blown kick-ass women. I mean, I'm reading Birds Of Prey fic! and CSI fic! And Stargate SG-1 fic! And I HATE these shows. Especially Catherine Willows. I'm huge with the hate of her whiny-ass, using-sex-as-a-weapon, manipulative, self-righteous character. Okay, sorry for the hatetangent, but I just had to go there... Actually, the length and breadth of my hatetangent is so enormous it wouldn't fit in my LJ. Or the universe.