Nov 07, 2005 16:29
once again time for my seasonal livejournal update. it seems that updating only takes place about every three months or so now, so i'll try to make it good. i just got so used to not having the internet that i can't handle being online for more than 20 minutes at a time. what has happened......i got a new job in the exciting field of social research doing....i a not sure what i do. lately i have been checking youth behavior risk assessment surveys for stray marks since the responses are given on those scantron thingees. this equals hours of fun. i like to listen to king diamond while doing this, but no one suspects this since i am wearing headphones. i got the van fixed, i am sure this excites everyone. ummmmm. i have health insurance. that is pretty kick as as well as the dental insurance that i now have. that almost makes me a first class citizen right? lately i have been having to get up in the middle of the night since there are a fair number of mice coming into the apartment and i have to rescue them from the cats. i really hope that these are just a bunch of different mice instead of just the same really dumb ones over and over. plans are being made for a motheater winter tour through kansas oklahoma and texas, so maybe i will see some of you. we are playing in denver with milemarker on he 19th. that is pretty exciting. basically i have been being a recluse as usual. i read and play alot of video games and have been watching alot of documentaries with the lady (who is also doing well). i think that F is for Fake, and all of the errol morris documentaries are among my favorites (vernon florida, fog of war, gates of heaven, thin blue line). i have been reading class trip and the moustache by emmanual carrere lately. that is pretty good. so basically i have been living the good life and being pleasantly boring. the end